The Nature of a Weed

Good afternoon from… by the brook♡
The soft glow of morning has given way to the rhythmical song of cicadas. The air is moist and a bit oppressive; it lays heavy on my eyelids forcing them to slowly close, tricking my body into a state of rest. The midsummer sun has stripped the grass of its deep vibrancy, leaving behind brittle blades that scratch the souls of my feet. The brook’s bed is yet more exposed than the last time I wrote to you and the duck’s rather enjoy the multitude of perches now available to them. Fifteen regulars have become rather ravenous, wanting more than their fair share of feed. Just this morning I finally got an up-close glimpse of Mama Deer and her fawn♡ It was 6am; the sun had barely crested the horizon as I was serving my sweet ducks their first meal of the day. I heard a splash; thinking it was just their skittish silliness. My eyes still not yet fully focused, I hadn’t noticed the presence of Mama and baby. When our eyes met she stood still, assessing my intention, then slowly turned and walked without worry through the stone filled water with baby tightly behind.
I then sat back amongst the patio pillows to take in the newness of the day, my eyes focused on the lone dandelion growing through the brittle blades. How does something so small have such resilience, so simple have such brilliance? It’s desire to push through all that doesn’t nourish it and stand tall in its beautiful, bright color. Some may see it as it’s labeled, a weed. I see its strength and resilient nature to thrive and be just as it is. An imperfectly, beautiful expression of Self♡

Focused Thoughts ~ Weaknesses to Strengths

Good morning♡
Each Sunday I offer my yoga class a Mantra or Meditation card. Each card offers a message to help focus our attention and direct our flow of energy… being our breath, our thoughts, and movement.
Today’s message is, “My Greatest Weaknesses Have Become My Greatest Strengths. “On the card is a picture of a lotus flower. Above the murky dark water you can see its elegant beauty; below its roots travel down and are grounded strong and deep into the muddy water bed.What a lovely reminder that beauty emerges from the darkest of places. Our roots and the life experiences we grow through allow us an opportunity to use our innate strength within to create change and overcome challenges.The Lotus reminds us to focus on our innermost self, our very essence which is Love- Compassion- Kindness and the notion of transformation.

Giving ourselves Grace and Space to grow and learn from our murky-dark waters is an important part of transforming a weakness into a strength.

Embrace YOUR roots and allow your authentic self to shine through♡ becoming…
Wonderfully, Beautifully You♡

Photo taken at Innisfree Gardens in Dutchess County.



The Dance of the Warrior Toward Integrity ~Warrior 1

We all have an inner warrior, even the most quiet and meek of us. Our inner warrior speaks of challenges she has endured. She carries the scars of inner battles she’s wrestled. She has cried for painful losses. And danced and sang in celebration when she recognized her reflection… Love, beauty, and passion.

Your inner Warrior is more brave than you know. To summon her, just close your eyes and feel your feet firmly rooted into the earth. Place your hands firmly on your abdomen and take a deep breath in, filling your belly with air. Exhale slowly out of your mouth.
You are a Wonderfully, Beautifully Brave Warrior ❤

Not Quite the Big 5-0 ~ Eight Important Matters I Learned in a Decade

     The fabulous forties. A decade of fabulous moments, memories, milestones, and a great deal of transformation. I just turned 49 and I think I’m finally beginning to understand this thing called life and who I really am. It’s been a long excursion and I think I am ready to coast through this final year on my way to the Big 5-0.

     Like every other decade, the ’40s have concluded with a generous helping of life’s lessons; some easier to grasp than others. At times my life mimicked a soap opera and others a Hallmark movie. I have spent the last ten years in pursuit of authenticity and what I discovered was that I myself, wasn’t being authentic. 

     As I near the end of a decade, here are eight important skills that have helped me to find the real me. Some I have made peace with, others- well let’s see how I feel about them when I reach the big 5 -0.

  1. Self-validation-

Divorce catapulted me into my forties. I was a hot mess with all my unhealed past wounds laying out in the open for all to see. I can honestly say that I was mildly insane for a period of time. I acted and reacted to raw emotions that were triggered by all my insecurities. Unfortunately, I was looking for validation in the wrong places; it was a difficult season. But with a lot of love and coaching from my family and close friends and a great deal of time exploring and reflecting, I have started to learn how to self validate. This has been incredibly hard for me to fully achieve. I think I could call self-validation my arch-nemesis. At my weakest times, it brings me to my knees with doubt, preying on my insecurities. At my strongest times, it still lingers in the background trying to distract me from the stronger, more secure self I have come to know. 

  1. Boundaries-

 Until my early forties, I didn’t understand what a boundary was in a personal sense, which would make sense since this goes along with self-validation and self-worth. I knew what felt good and what didn’t, but I had a hard time drawing a line and saying enough is enough when it came to relationships and how I allowed others to behave around me. I also had to learn how to say no and express how I felt instead of just going along with something that didn’t always feel comfortable. 

  1. Don’t get attached to the details

I used to be a Type A planner; I would plan every detail of every vacation, every event, every everything. I guess it gave me an illusion of control. To a degree, planning is necessary and fun, but it was also taxing and left no room for “life” to happen. I now do my best to have a plan for the big stuff, but let the little details work themselves out. Since doing this, life has sent me some really great surprises!

  1. F E A R- 

“False evidence appearing real.” I love that, it explains so much. I never realized how afraid I was of life. Fear has brought me to places that I didn’t belong and in some cases, kept me in places far too long. Understanding the actual reason I feel afraid of something has become key to making better choices. Regardless of what happens in my life, I learned that I will be okay. Divorce, health issues, bad decisions, lost investments, can’t find a home, child dilemmas, these are all scary circumstances that felt like a movie set from Hopeless in Hell. But with time there is healing and change. I made it through all of the storms and came out stronger.

  1. What’s the Rush-

Patience is not a quality that comes easily to me. When I start feeling like I need something to happen sooner than later, it’s a signal that I may be trying to ignore something that needs my attention. Slowing down and facing those F E A R’s have provided a richer more enjoyable daily experience to life. It’s not about the quantity, but rather the quality. 

  1. Listen to your gut-

This one took a long time to understand because it is tied to so many other life skills. I had a hard time deciphering the messages from my gut versus my untamed emotions. I would hear a small voice in the distance whispering to me, but those wild emotions that were looking for a quick feel better resolution would usually win. It became difficult to trust myself to make a better decision until I got a deeper understanding of where those wild emotions were coming from. This past decade has sent me many tests and pop quizzes on this subject and I am going to go out on a limb and say that I think I have a good handle on it now.

  1. Taking time to think- 

I think it was my new found love of running that led me to understand the importance of taking time to think or not think. Whether it be running, hiking, walking, writing, yoga, meditating, prayer, photography, this has been the decade of breaking out of ritualistic behaviors and partaking in practices that feel more natural. Doing this gives me a sense of connection, belonging, understanding, and love between myself and God, the universe, our world, nature, my family, friends, co-workers, and my fellow humans. 

  1. Love-

My perception of love has evolved over time. I now perceive love to be more of an action rather than an emotion; it reveals itself within the doing, as words alone contrive only an emotion. The doing started with me. It was very difficult for me to accept that I had value unless someone else was confirming it. Once I was able to do that on my own, I was then ready to reassess what kind of love I wanted in my life. 

     My 40’s have been some of the most difficult years, but most enlightening and liberating. The freeing feeling of shedding parts of myself that don’t belong to me and making peace with the parts that do have allowed me to find the authenticity that I was searching for. What discovery has made the biggest impact on you in the last decade? Please share with me; I would truly love to hear from you.

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” ~ Socrates.

“One can only be who one is meant to be.” ~ from the movie Coco