Focused Thoughts ~ Weaknesses to Strengths

Good morning♡
Each Sunday I offer my yoga class a Mantra or Meditation card. Each card offers a message to help focus our attention and direct our flow of energy… being our breath, our thoughts, and movement.
Today’s message is, “My Greatest Weaknesses Have Become My Greatest Strengths. “On the card is a picture of a lotus flower. Above the murky dark water you can see its elegant beauty; below its roots travel down and are grounded strong and deep into the muddy water bed.What a lovely reminder that beauty emerges from the darkest of places. Our roots and the life experiences we grow through allow us an opportunity to use our innate strength within to create change and overcome challenges.The Lotus reminds us to focus on our innermost self, our very essence which is Love- Compassion- Kindness and the notion of transformation.

Giving ourselves Grace and Space to grow and learn from our murky-dark waters is an important part of transforming a weakness into a strength.

Embrace YOUR roots and allow your authentic self to shine through♡ becoming…
Wonderfully, Beautifully You♡

Photo taken at Innisfree Gardens in Dutchess County.



Mantra Motivation ~ Validation

Mantra Motivation ~
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment,” Ralph Waldo Emerson
I began this Sunday’s Slow Flow yoga class with a mantra card. This week’s Mantra is, I need only My Own Validation in this life.
In the opening quote, Ralph Waldo Emerson refers to the difficulty of being solely satisfied with just our own validation. Feeling fulfilled by our own validation allows us to truly know who we are, what we like, and what we want to do.
At an early age we learn that pleasing others creates a form of acceptance and this is what we begin to place our value in.
What does it mean to Validate yourself?
Self Validation is being understanding to our own personal thoughts, emotions, and actions, and then accepting of our own internal experiences. This doesn’t mean that we insist that we are justified or correct in all we think and do, it means that we are allowing ourselves to be empathetic to our personal circumstances. We have a much easier time doing this for others, but when it comes to ourselves we become way more judgmental and look for outside sources to make us feel that we have value.
It’s so important to understand that no one, not even your parents are qualified to add value to your life- your mind, your body- or your soul. You are born with value. Seeking value outside of yourself makes you feel small and no matter how many compliments, “Great Job”- “Way to Go”- or trophies, certificates, or degrees you receive, it will NEVER be enough to fill you up with validation. Only You are able to give yourself acceptance, empathy, love…. Value.
So, for this week pay attention to how many times you are yearning, seeking, or asking for someone, or maybe something to make you feel valued.
Then each morning find a quiet space, focus on your breath as you breathe in… and out, and repeat to yourself, “I only need my own validation in this life.”
Much love to you.

What is Your Focus for 2022 – Establishing Your Gaze~

What will you focus on for 2022- Establishing Your Gaze

It was about six years ago that I began taking large colored index cards and writing particular phrases as a reminder of certain emotional wellness qualities I wanted to inhabit as well as goals or intentions that I wanted to achieve. I began to incorporate this into my morning prayer and meditation in order to establish a mindset with a more positive productive direction each day. 

Fast forward to today, I still have those same big, pink, purple, and green index cards, but they have a lot more writing on them. As time moves forward, the world changes, situations change, and I change- thank goodness! Some of those cards have basic principles that apply to life no matter my age or the point in life that I am at, but other cards have been expanded upon with broader concepts. 

As we begin this new year, I would like to share one of my colored index cards with you, the original concept, and the reason behind it and then the expanded version as well.

When I created these cards six years ago, the card pictured below in particular, my main focus was “I.” I was seeking safety, strength, confidence, courage, and love from within myself. As you can see this card firstly reads, (I AM.) As time moved forward, as it always does, and I began to embody these concepts, my thoughts began to broaden past, “I Am.” 

About two years ago, in the beginning stages of the pandemic, I was relieved to be isolated. For me, the world felt like it was spinning way too fast and I was beginning to lose my balance. It was that quiet isolation that moved my, “I Am” to “We Are.” When I sat with my cards and read the words, “I Am”-  I began to hear the words, “We Are” in my mind. 

I think we can all agree that the last couple years has created a climate that has induced fear, confusion, lack of safety, an overall consensus of unknowing and separation. As I sat with the words, “”We Are”, I could feel the deep need of families, communities, states, countries- the human race to feel strength- courage- confidence- wellness- LOVE. 

With eyes closed and an open heart I now sit with this green card  in hand envisioning a beautiful ribbon flowing from me out into the world, touching everything and everyone-

“We Are- Strong”

“We Are- Courageous” 

“We Are- Confident”

“We Are- Well, Mind & Body”

“We Are – Safe- Grounded”

“We Have- Abundance in all areas of our lives”

“We Are – LOVE”

For the new year, which will be filled with an abundance of beautiful opportunities, moments to cherish, and celebrations, but also with difficulties to overcome, I will be focusing on the WHOLE- “We Are”, for there is strength in unity. May we each bring our beautiful differences together and create a year of unity and strength and lots of LOVE. HAPPY NEW YEAR!