Are You At Home

Comfortable- Cozy- Safe- Loved- Welcomed
These are words we usually say when we are feeling “At Home” in a particular place.
But, what about feeling “At Home” in your Body?
Do these same words, Comfortable- Cozy- Safe- Loved- and Welcomed evoke that sense of “At Home” when you think about being in your body?
I can personally attest to a time that my body was not a comfortable, safe place where I felt welcomed and loved. In fact I still have times that this is still true.
The good news is, we can learn to feel At Home in our Body & our Mind. I’m not saying it’s easy, but absolutely possible.
We have so many stories – memories- emotions- experiences that we store not just in our mind but also in our body that make it difficult or even burdensome to feel At Home. Our mind keeps track of everything and attaches a meaning to each experience and sometimes those meanings land in a space within our body where it lives until we realize it’s there and work on releasing it.
We are meaning makers; this is how we try to make sense of our world. These meanings aren’t always an accurate account. They can be derived from different viewpoints that may not allow us to take in the full understanding of an event; possibly through a child’s eyes, or viewing through the eyes of a painful experience, or something that created a sense of anger.
One of the first steps toward learning to feel At Home is paying attention to how your body feels throughout the day.
Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. On one side write down any physical feelings you notice– if you have shoulder tension, or pain in your lower back or tight hamstrings. Tightness in your chest- throat or jaw. Maybe your arms feel heavy or you have a stomach ache.
On the other side, jot down your emotions as you go through your day (angry, surprised, sad, scared, lonely, peaceful).
When you notice an emotion rising, if you are able to stop what you are doing and turn your mind toward your body to sense if you have a physical feeling, that is a plus.
At the end of the day compare the two sides of the paper and notice if there are any connections between your emotions and physical feelings.
Learning to notice this connection is the first step to understanding the bigger picture of how our Mind & Body relate to one another, and also an act of love toward ourselves for creating an “At Home” space where you can thrive and align with wonderfully, beautifully You.
Stop back next week for another step toward feeling At Home in your Body & Mind.
Live Well,

The Dance of the Warrior Toward Integrity ~Warrior 1

We all have an inner warrior, even the most quiet and meek of us. Our inner warrior speaks of challenges she has endured. She carries the scars of inner battles she’s wrestled. She has cried for painful losses. And danced and sang in celebration when she recognized her reflection… Love, beauty, and passion.

Your inner Warrior is more brave than you know. To summon her, just close your eyes and feel your feet firmly rooted into the earth. Place your hands firmly on your abdomen and take a deep breath in, filling your belly with air. Exhale slowly out of your mouth.
You are a Wonderfully, Beautifully Brave Warrior ❤

Tuesday Tips ~ Just Breath

Just Breath~

It’s only Tuesday, you say to yourself as you slump down into your desk chair and seriously consider grabbing your 3rd cup of coffee. Your lower back hurts, you can feel the knots lining your shoulder blades and tension has a tight grip on your neck and shoulders.

Let’s take a five minute break and bring you back to life so you can finish the day with a smile and some extra energy for your evening.

Close your office door, if you have one. Push your “Do Not Disturb” button on your desk phone. And turn off the notifications on your cell phone.

Put your earbuds/ headphones/ AirPods in and click the link 🙂

First, Push your chair away from your desk. Rest your hands on your lap. Sit up tall.

Step 1- Slowly inhale in through your nose and allow your breath to go straight down into your belly. Let your belly expand out like a balloon; don’t worry- no one is watching. 🙂

Step 2- Slowly exhale your breath out of your mouth completely, allowing your belly button to sink in toward your spine. As your breath is leaving your body, allow your shoulders to melt down away from your ears.

Step 3- Slowly inhale again bringing your breath right down into the belly and then allow it to fill your ribcage, feel your ribcage expand.

Step 4- Slowly exhale focusing on the breath first leaving your belly as it deflates, then your ribcage as your ribs move back together. Allow your chin to gently drop toward your chest for a count of 5,4,3,2,1.

Step5- One more time, Slowly inhale, filling the belly, then the ribcage, and lastly the last bit of breath filling your upper chest as you feel your heart rise up.

Step 6- Finally, Slowly exhale from your belly feeling your belly button move inward toward your spine, then your ribcage as they knit back together and lastly from your upper chest as your heart rests back into your chest.

Now with one big inhale raise your arms up over your head. Reach your hands up as high as you can… wiggle your fingers. Then as you exhale, wiggle your fingers as you rain them back down to your lap. Slowly turn the corners of your mouth upward 😉

I hope this has helped take some of the work day stress away and gives you a little boost.

Sending you love&light~
Maureen- Yoga&You

Majestic Mountains and Meditation

The majestic Shawangunk mountain ridge rolled out a vibrant green carpet to evoke my mind, body, and soul to partake in a sort of ceremonial introspection. I closed my eyes for just a moment in order to clear my mind of its incessant chatter and to extend my reverence for the wisdom of this impressive ridge. I have learned in the short years of running alongside this beautiful country scenery that it becomes a sort of meditative experience. It will whisper its secrets to you, offering its wisdom, and provoke you to take a deeper look within.

All things~ I am

I am all things …

I am the summer breeze blowing through the tops of the trees, down through the soft blades of grass, and into my opened window.

I am the drops of rain, carried by the summer breeze, watering the land and cleansing the sky, outside my opened window.

I am the brook, fed by the drops of rain, bathing the birds and carrying the ducks, outside my opened window.

I am the bird, bathed by the brook, singing its song that makes me smile, looking outside my opened window.

I am the little girl dancing amongst the drops of rain, by the brook.
She hears the bird, carried by the summer breeze, and looks up at my opened window.

She sees me smile; she smiles back.

I am the summer breeze, the drops of rain, the running brook, the singing bird, the smiling girl.

I am all things and all things are me.
M Lara Brown~

I’ve been so busy living for tomorrow I forgot to live for today…..

I haven’t posted on my blog in quite a while, it’s been about a year to be exact.

I have been caught up in searching for my future instead of enjoying each gifted day.

My mind is always so busy focusing on, “What will tomorrow bring?”, and, “Where will I be next month or one year from now?” 

Why is it that I am always looking forward to what tomorrow, next week, next month, or the next year has in store instead of  simply looking forward to what today will bring?


Always searching for something more, something better, something more enlightening becomes habitual. This is not to say that we shouldn’t always strive to do better or to pursue our dreams – but I think we can easily cross a line into a place where feeling what we have or where we are at any given time is not good enough. I am a firm believer that we have a God given destiny but that we also determine our own path to that destiny by the choices we make. Depending on how long it takes us to figure out how the natural flow of life works will depend on how long it takes us to reach each destination we are prescribed to be.

When I think about the times I make a conscience effort to feel grateful, hopeful, and happy each day and live in the present moment , it is these times that I feel the most fulfilled. One thing I know for sure is the more grateful I am, the more positive of an outlook I keep, and the more I expect for goodness to follow me- it surely does.  Our thoughts define our actions. Our daily thoughts don’t just stay with us, they go out into the world and act as an invitation and RSVP back to us with the same views- feelings- and judgments that we send out.

I am not saying that life doesn’t throw us some curve balls but it’s important not to stay in the mindset of, “Tomorrow will be a better day.”, because we are given today to be happy, to be grateful, and be a blessing to others. We are given today to receive what ever the day may bring- which is a portion of our destination and purpose. 

As the winter season begins and the holidays usher in peace- joy- and goodwill to men, I will be focusing on each gifted day and sending good vibrations out to all and expecting to receive them right back. For what you send out into the world is what you shall receive. I am sure I will still wonder what the future may hold but I will remind myself  that each day brings about exactly what I need and things will unfold in their due time- the perfect time.

Walk through your day with a glad heart and a smile on your face and see the difference you make in each day not only for yourself, your friends and family but for all that happen to cross your path.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ~ Philippians 4:6

Live well,
