All things~ I am

I am all things …

I am the summer breeze blowing through the tops of the trees, down through the soft blades of grass, and into my opened window.

I am the drops of rain, carried by the summer breeze, watering the land and cleansing the sky, outside my opened window.

I am the brook, fed by the drops of rain, bathing the birds and carrying the ducks, outside my opened window.

I am the bird, bathed by the brook, singing its song that makes me smile, looking outside my opened window.

I am the little girl dancing amongst the drops of rain, by the brook.
She hears the bird, carried by the summer breeze, and looks up at my opened window.

She sees me smile; she smiles back.

I am the summer breeze, the drops of rain, the running brook, the singing bird, the smiling girl.

I am all things and all things are me.
M Lara Brown~