Harmony of Two Souls

Harmony of Two Souls~

The porch swing gently glided to and fro

The fireflies began their dance among the darkening sky

Their lips had not yet met, nor had their hands ever touched

But their souls whispered to one another, longing to reacquaint

Unknowingly he breathed life into her secrets

Unknowingly she exposed his heart

The night grew darker, their eyes grew heavy, they bid the swing adieu

Come again….. called the swing

The darkened sky
The dancing fireflies
The gentle to and fro of the swing

Their hands met
Their vision unclouded
Their truths set free
Their worlds forever changed
Infused with grace

The unveiling of two souls awakening into a new world

MLara Brown~

In a Moment

In a moment….
In a moment, life is beautiful and then it’s not.
In a moment, your heart is open and free and then it’s crumbled into a hundred pieces.
In a moment, you feel proud and accomplished, then ashamed.
In a moment, you are sure-footed full of motivation, then lost without direction.
In a moment, you trust, then you are filled with deception.
In a moment, you feel God’s grace and pure peace, then wrath and despair.
In a moment, someone is right there, then they’re not.
In a moment, every moment you find yourself in your triumphs and failures, standing tall and falling on your face. Then in a moment, you know what you know. You know your truth and in that moment, you know you are truly ok.
~ M Lara Brown


I am the sum of all that has passed through me, no more, no less.

My past shadows come to linger with my present; I tell them to go.

I am no longer those things that have brought me here.

They are only a part of who I am, pieces of my past, fractions of my life.

Places, people, points in time, like an old friend or lover that once walked by my soul.

Intimately, each piece of my past makes peace with my present, then crawls back into the shadow.

I am the sum of all that has passed through me, no more, no less.
~M Lara Brown

All things~ I am

I am all things …

I am the summer breeze blowing through the tops of the trees, down through the soft blades of grass, and into my opened window.

I am the drops of rain, carried by the summer breeze, watering the land and cleansing the sky, outside my opened window.

I am the brook, fed by the drops of rain, bathing the birds and carrying the ducks, outside my opened window.

I am the bird, bathed by the brook, singing its song that makes me smile, looking outside my opened window.

I am the little girl dancing amongst the drops of rain, by the brook.
She hears the bird, carried by the summer breeze, and looks up at my opened window.

She sees me smile; she smiles back.

I am the summer breeze, the drops of rain, the running brook, the singing bird, the smiling girl.

I am all things and all things are me.
M Lara Brown~