Back to the Books!

Everyone has had a certain subject in school that was difficult for them, one that took longer to get a passing grade or a well deserved ‘A’ .

As I am ‘Running 2 My Life’, some subjects I pass with flying colors but there is one I seem to come up short in, Rejection, or shall I say, what I perceive to be rejection. I am wired to draw from the wrong material I studied from for years. This gets me a big fat ‘F’ in Rejection.

It’s a really difficult feat to rewire my inner workings, but it is not impossible.  I refuse to allow any grade less than an ‘A’ to go onto my report card, so I will continue to study until I become a Master of Rejection!

When you focus on POSSIBILITIES instead of problems, you will see more OPPORTUNTIES in your life

When I hear the word, “NO”, I hear- “You are not good enough”, “You are not smart enough, “You are not pretty enough”, “You are not loveable enough”, none of which is true. Life is full of rejection regardless of how perfect or imperfect I am. I must learn not to act as if “NO”, is like a life threatening disease.

“NO”, is life’s way of weeding out what and who is a positive power in our existence ….. and what is not. TRUSTING life’s process is a key component to becoming successful. Trust, ugh! …. another difficult subject for me.


That’s why I go back to the books and study some more for the next test life throws my way. I WILL get that well deserved ‘A’ that I am striving for!

Life can be a beautiful process if we all learn the importance of the word, “NO”.

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Never give up on your dreams, anything is attainable, failure is not fatal, rejection is not a life threatening disease, it’s just an opportunity to learn to trust in life’s process and bring you closer to where you are meant to be.

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Live well~ xo








