Saving Mr. Banks

The movie I had been pining to see since the trailers were released, it felt like a perpetual wait… but finally the day had arrived. I felt like I was going to some sort of exclusive documentary as silly as that sounds, but excited is a played down verb to describe my mood while walking into the theater. I was armed with a tissue or two because I read about the twists and turns of emotion. But I was not prepared to walk out of the theater in a daze; I was joyful, relieved, troubled all wrapped in one big hug of emotion.
This movie is packed with a punch! You are taken on a journey to save Mr. Banks. In doing so you are carried by the hands of time with P. L. Travers, writer of the original book series Mary Poppins. There are heartwarming relationships formed that cultivate Travers from a scared confined individual to a woman who can view the world with a song in her heart. It was fascinating to reference this piece of history with the Mary Poppins film created by  the intrinsically talented Disney team. You don’t have to be a huge Disney buff to enjoy this film, in saying that I would highly recommend this movie and will be purchasing the DVD upon it’s release.

