The Jungle Book ~ What a Great Message!

What better way to spend a Friday night then with my best friend and our two best girls.

Jungle Book

I took my reluctant Rebekah and off we went to the movies. She wasn’t so keen on going to see the Jungle Book, she was convinced it would be boring- NO WAY! It’s a Disney movie!

I haven’t been to our local mall’s theater in quite some time and was pleasantly surprised to see we had recliner seats! We settled in, reclined back and started shoving fists full of sodium loaded kernels into our mouths. As the movie began it felt as if Mowgli dashed right past us in attempt to keep up with his wolf pack family, “I know you are not a wolf Mowgli, but you MUST try to act more like one, you must stay low to the ground.”


From that point on the breath taking scenery brought us straight into Mowgli’s world making it easy to forget about the world that lies right outside the theater doors; we traveled through beautiful deserts, the rain forest and to a waterfall. This movie brought the once animated characters of the Jungle Book to life on the screen right before our eyes. At one point I found myself wanting to jump into the screen onto Baloo’s belly along with Mowgli as they floated down the jungle river singing ~ Bare Necessities ~


I don’t want to give away the most spectacular parts so I will go straight to the ending which left us with an amazing message, not only for children but for adults as well.

Be yourself- be who you were created to be. When you are true to your genuine self, the person God made you to be and listening to the whispers of your heart allowing them to guide you in life, you can accomplish amazing feats.

This movie truly touched me in a very special way and Rebekah didn’t think it was boring one bit!  She loved it as well~


Into the Woods We Went!

This past weekend Rebekah and I took an impromptu trip to the movie theater, what did we see….. Into the Woods!


We hurried into the theater and found our seats just as the movie trailers were ending. I had no idea what to expect from this movie. I hadn’t read or heard the reviews, with one exception. Right before entering the theater Nicole informed me that her friends had walked out during the movie; oh boy what was I in for?


The movie began, I quickly realized it was a musical, I had no idea! As we began to travel into the woods with the characters, it took me a while to truly realize why “we” were going into the woods. At first I was solely focused on these strange intertwined fairytales. Each fairytale character was traveling into the woods for a particular purpose – to break a spell, to go to the Festival, to sell the cow, to Grandmother’s house, to see the King.  As the movie rolled on I realized there was a deeper meaning and an actual plot.  ‘Into the Woods’ is a metaphor for taking a journey outside of the boundaries one has set for themselves, taking chances to experience more of what life may have to offer. While the initial reason these characters took the journey into the woods was to find something that was so enticing and important to them, they learned unexpected lessons along the path of the wood and what their true desires may have been after all. The path that appeared so straight and definitive became twisted and questionable.intothewoods-bar640

The wood appears in many fairytales; it’s a place of the unknown and it’s full of mystery. The Woods are not thought to be “safe”, they have unexpected twists and turns. Stepping into the Woods could change one’s life; it’s a journey that could bring about a new ending to one’s story.  And so we see this in many of Disney’s fairytale stories, just this time these happy endings were more similar to what you and I might experience in our own lives.  In hindsight I wished I had read the movie commentary so I would have been more focused on the song lyrics. These stories told through song were in direct reflection to personal struggles many of us go through in life.

What did Rebekah think of the movie?  I was really worried that she was not enjoying the movie, but I didn’t breathe a word until we were walking out of the theater and back to the car.  She thought it was a bit strange; she was not use to seeing Disney fairytales in any other light than the animated version. But then she began to tell me how she loved that everyone was singing and she thought it was all rather funny. Her favorite characters were Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack and the Baker and his wife. She added that she would not recommend anyone under the age of eight to see the movie, well maybe a seven year old if they were mature for their age.

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 I would absolutely like to see the movie again. I am sure that I missed many details that I would enjoy witnessing the second time around.  The cast I thought were magnificent and made each roll very believable. There was some adult content but it definitely went over Rebekah’s head. I do think it is important to understand the rhythm of the movie before viewing it; it will enhance the experience and allow you to connect and identify with the characters on a deeper level.

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Saving Mr. Banks

The movie I had been pining to see since the trailers were released, it felt like a perpetual wait… but finally the day had arrived. I felt like I was going to some sort of exclusive documentary as silly as that sounds, but excited is a played down verb to describe my mood while walking into the theater. I was armed with a tissue or two because I read about the twists and turns of emotion. But I was not prepared to walk out of the theater in a daze; I was joyful, relieved, troubled all wrapped in one big hug of emotion.
This movie is packed with a punch! You are taken on a journey to save Mr. Banks. In doing so you are carried by the hands of time with P. L. Travers, writer of the original book series Mary Poppins. There are heartwarming relationships formed that cultivate Travers from a scared confined individual to a woman who can view the world with a song in her heart. It was fascinating to reference this piece of history with the Mary Poppins film created by  the intrinsically talented Disney team. You don’t have to be a huge Disney buff to enjoy this film, in saying that I would highly recommend this movie and will be purchasing the DVD upon it’s release.

