Liberty Square… a Nod to Walt’s American Spirit

liberty square sign

Walt was full of American spirit and proud of his country.  Being an innovator he looked onward to what our country could achieve and made note of our past accounts.  Walt Disney World is filled with his patriotic pride and we see Liberty Square paying homage to this.  This portion of the park shows a collective mix of historical patriotism and nostalgia.

What intrigues me most is the supreme attention to detail as is Disney’s style in all they do.  Let’s take a closer look into Liberty Square and all it has to share with us.  It is easy to breeze through without noticing the immense detail, so let’s take a slow stroll and enjoy the sights.

When crossing the bridge from the Central Hub you are symbolically crossing the ocean into the East Coast of the United States and entering the New World.  On your travels you will pass through periods of New England, Colonial Williamsburg, New Dutch, and the Hudson RiverValley.  


Take note of several things, doors, windows, and the ground.  Various doors have a two-digit number, like a street address.  If you place “18” in front of the door number it will reveal the year that house design was built.  Over at the attraction Hall of Presidents, their house number indicates the year our U.S Constitution was ratified.   Now look up at the shutters, they are slanted.  This nods toward the Revolutionary War when metal was gathered and recycled and used for bullets.  The metal shutter hinges were replaced with leather straps which gave way over time causing them to slant.  While checking out the windows, you will notice the upper window near Ye Olde Christmas Tree Shoppe and house #26 will have two lanterns placed on the sill.  This signifies the warning given to Paul Revere in 1776.  Right around the corner while still looking up you will spot a rifle leaning inside the window. This  gives notice that the man of the house is ready to defend his family, town and country.  Looking down as we are moving along, you will see a stream of brown gravel running along the street.  During colonial times there was no indoor plumbing, so waste was tossed from upper windows down into the streets.  Step carefully and look alive!  Walt also looking to maintain authenticity made sure the restrooms were tucked away, you will find them inside the two dining establishments.

liberty square lanternsLiberty square rifle

Along the way we find The Liberty Tree, Liberty Bell and state flags of the original colonies.  “Liberty tree” was a meaningful term to the colonists.  It was a place they came together in their first defiant act against the crown.  Eventually there were “liberty trees” planted in all 13 colonies.  So this Oak tree (over 100 years old) has quite a special significance and holds 13 lanterns within its branches, representing the original colonies. 



As Freedoms Rings, this Liberty Bell reigns special; it is a replica made from the original mold used for the one placed in Philadelphia.  The bell is encircled by thirteen state flags, each one waving proud. They symbolize the original thirteen colonies; make sure to look closely at each flagpole where the date inscribed refers to their sanction with the U.S. Constitution.

We are about done with this historical tour in this charming square. I hope you enjoyed the sights and will be able to spot them on your next Magical trip to Walt Disney World.




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