Disneyside Valentine’s Party Challenge

It is a blustery, wintry day here in the Empire State and I am trapped indoors.  I have lots I could do to keep busy, but doing dishes and cleaning out closets doesn’t sound like much fun.  I started thinking how my family and I could celebrate Valentine’s Day, when I received a phone call from my parents inviting us to their house for a small gathering.  This was perfect!  Now…. how can I sneak in a little Disney flair to the party without completely taking over, being that my extended family is not as enthused with the Mouse as I?  Going out to the store to purchase party items is out of the question with this weather, so I started gathering craft items, scraps from previous projects, party supplies I had lying around the house.  Here is my challenge, to create a #Disneyside Valentine’s party fit for adults and children with only the items I have available to me in my house……. and without completely annoying my family.  One day they will all come around and enjoy the Magical Mouse as much as I!


I used items I found laying around the house, construction paper, left over party supplies, etc.  I also crafted a couple games to enhance our evening of fun.  I Disneyfied the Left/Right game using Cinderella’s story and a small plastic shoe (glass slipper) as the item to be passed around.  Here is my Cinderella Left/Right tale:

Cinderella LEFT for the ball…… the coachman knew the RIGHT directions and turned LEFT onto the RIGHT road.  Prince Charming was RIGHT in the middle of the room and asked for Cinderella’s LEFT hand and led her RIGHT to the dance floor.  She knew he was the RIGHT guy for her as he danced with her RIGHT around the room.  The hands of the clock moved to the RIGHT and struck mid-night, so she LEFT the castle running down the stairs and LEFT her shoe behind.  The carriage LEFT the castle in a hurry and went RIGHT down the path and into the woods.  Prince Charming’s soldiers LEFT the castle and stormed RIGHT into the woods after the carriage.  Midnight struck and the carriage turned RIGHT into a pumpkin and LEFT Cinderella behind.  The Prince sent the Duke RIGHT out to find Cinderella.  Cinderella had run RIGHT up to her room and her stepmother locked her door and LEFT the key in her pocket.  The Duke knocked RIGHT on Lady Tremaine’s door.  The stepsister’s sat RIGHT down and put their LEFT foot out for their shoe fitting.  Their feet were too big and the shoe flew RIGHT across the room.  The mice got the key RIGHT out of Lady Tremaine’s pocket and raced RIGHT up to Cinderella’s room.  Cinderella LEFT down the stairs and called to the Duke.  He slipped the shoe RIGHT on her foot then they raced her RIGHT back to the prince.  They were married RIGHT in the castle and LEFT , RIGHT away to for their honeymoon.

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