Why Don’t You Leave Well Enough Alone?

Why do you keep pushing yourself?
Why don’t you leave Well Enough alone?
Facebook Memories- run-Disney♡
This was my inspiration to begin running- to wear a tutu and a tiara in a Disney Princess race at my favorite place on earth… (besides the woods). I gained so much more than a couple beautiful medals, new friendships and memories that fill my heart.
Running became a physical outlet and a funnel for my frantic unresolved energy. As I pushed through uncomfortable physical challenges, I built strength and power to move through emotional barriers. This race and running became the support I needed and used seven years ago when life shifted into a difficult, confusing season.
Any and every insecurity, unhealed emotion, ignored desires, disregarded sadness, pressed down anger… bubbled up at once. It was a cyclone of shit spewed into the air and it fell onto an unsteady foundation like a deck of cards tossed up and recklessly scattered about.
Seven years of reading books, seeking information, speaking with coaches and counselors, meditating, moving, and praying, to peal back layers of emotions to uncover patterns of behavior to unlock the door that I was hiding behind.
Seven years later I am standing in a similar space but with so much more knowledge and a full tool bag. Might this be a mid-life crisis or maybe the dark night of the soul? I’m not sure. But I know these valleys are meant for growth and to catapult us to the next level, higher ground.
Going inward is not fun, it’s not easy. Then why do it?
A close friend once asked me in complete agitation, “Why do you keep tormenting yourself?”
The answer is, to get to the other side. I don’t want to stay small, hiding and fearful of life. I want to meet each day with confidence, courage, and curiosity. I want to find the authentic me that’s beneath all the layers that I’ve built for protection, because now they are just holding me back.
Finding balance through these seasons is difficult, to identify practices that keep you focused on healing and moving through. To understand how to navigate deep waters without drowning or speeding right by. It’s learning grace, patience, and space for yourself. It’s about understanding how your mind and body operate in all situations, listening- hearing, and feeling.
I don’t have it all figured out, but I’m moving in the right direction.
If you find yourself in a similar space, I’m rooting for you! And if you need support, I’m here for that too♡
Run your own race… at your own pace.
Find something that challenges you to help build your inner power.
Sending you so much love♡
Maureen xo

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