The Link between Columbia Harbour House and Haunted Mansion….

Everyone has a favorite “land” and favorite dining locations. For me, Liberty Square and Columbia Harbour House rank at the top. Though I do like the Harbour House fare, I enjoy coming to this restaurant for far more reasons. It is packed full of maps, artifacts, and nautical curios. It is like a mini museum in which you take time to browse taking in its entire historical accounts. The offerings do not stop there; this dining location helps to tie in Haunted Mansion’s presence in Liberty square. If you look closely you will notice each part of the restaurant adorns vessels lost at sea or phantom ships. Take a look out the front window from the top floor, it faces the Haunted Mansion. My favorite piece of history in this restaurant is found hanging framed on the wall to the left of the upstairs front window (that faces the HM). It is a Map of the Ghost Fleet of the Outer Banks published from ‘National Geographic’ magazine. It shows the 500 ships lost at sea along the U.S. coastline. Another tie in you will find down stairs while ordering your meal. Look up at the beams and take note of the fishing spears and hold that image. Take a walk over to the Haunted Mansion, after exiting the stretch room you will see a portrait of a sea captain ( 3rd portrait down), what is he holding? Yes, the same spear you spotted in Columbia Harbour House.
Next time you are in Liberty Square stop in the Harbour House and check out the ghostly ties between these two locations. Maybe you’ll get lucky and have a spiritual guide help you along the way

FuN FaCts: Walt was keen on keeping the authenticity within each land. During colonial times there were no restrooms so you will not find any signs directing to such within Liberty Square. However you can find them inside both Liberty Square restaurants.


harbor map


    • twomomsadmin says:

      It is these details that just keep me so absorbed in Disney’s “World” :)) Thank you for reading and responding, I am so happy you enjoyed it 🙂

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