Will You Marry Me?

He is the same today as he was the day we shared our first cup of coffee, steady but supple, strong but soft, patient, composed and assured because life has presented him with a choice and he is ready to experience all he envisioned. This is why I have fallen in love with this man.

Love is….



It does not envy

It does not boast

It is not proud

It does not dishonor

It is not self-seeking

It is not easily angered

It keeps no record of wrongs

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth

It always protects

Always trusts

Always hopes

Always perseveres 

He held my hand and guided me down the boardwalk ramp onto the soft, damp sand that the tide left behind. He was unusually quiet this evening, a strange mix of urgency and aloofness. 

As the sun settled below the horizon, we settled into an area that was tucked away amongst the tall, lush beds of seagrass. The landscape was picturesque, so much so that I was compelled to capture its very essence. I untwined my fingers from his and turned toward the ocean which acted as a backdrop for the swaying grass. I have taken at least a hundred photos of this beach, but none of a night such as this.

“Honey,”  I heard Carl say softly. I turned, fully expecting to find this sweet man holding his hand out for mine, just simply wanting to enjoy the ambiance hand in hand. Rather, he was with one knee in the sand looking up at me with a smile that lit the darkening sky. I could see he was holding a small opened box with something that seemed to be catching the brilliance of his smile, but I couldn’t completely focus on anything but his beautiful face. “Will you marry me?” he said in a voice that almost wasn’t.

In an instant, I pieced together all the unusual events of the evening. I met his eyes with pure focus and elated laughter. “Ask me again,” I said with a silly smile. I didn’t want the moment to be over.

“Will you marry me?” he asked with a more playful tone this time.

“Yes! Yes, yes!” I joyfully responded.

My eyes now turning to the illuminating box held tightly in his hand. The ring had an intricate flower design and in the center a diamond that dazzled my eyes like a sky filled with millions of stars. Realizing I was in a deep trance, I quickly helped my new sea legged fiance’ to his feet. Making it official, he placed the ring, which symbolizes all he envisioned, on my finger.

Harmony of Two Souls

Harmony of Two Souls~

The porch swing gently glided to and fro

The fireflies began their dance among the darkening sky

Their lips had not yet met, nor had their hands ever touched

But their souls whispered to one another, longing to reacquaint

Unknowingly he breathed life into her secrets

Unknowingly she exposed his heart

The night grew darker, their eyes grew heavy, they bid the swing adieu

Come again….. called the swing

The darkened sky
The dancing fireflies
The gentle to and fro of the swing

Their hands met
Their vision unclouded
Their truths set free
Their worlds forever changed
Infused with grace

The unveiling of two souls awakening into a new world

MLara Brown~