Rafiki’s Planet Watch – Don’t Pass It By!


Today we are taking a train to Rafiki’s Planet Watch and Conservation Station! Animal Kingdom has become a very special place to me; my love and appreciation for it has grown over the years.  My first visit was less than stellar because I didn’t do the proper research before going.  I knew Magic Kingdom and Epcot like the back of my hand, but Animal Kingdom was a whole other animal (excuse the pun).

 Animal Kingdom envelops as much Disney magic as the Magic Kingdom does, but you have to look for it in a different way.  The magic lies within its animals and environment.  Each has so much to tell us and to teach us.  You have to switch gears when entering Animal Kingdom’s gates; the thrills you will experience here are of a different kind.  They are more quiet adventures, unless you dare to visit the Yeti at Expedition Everest!  

 Ok!  Lets head on over to Rafiki’s Planet Watch and see all it has to offer! 

 To get to our destination, we must board the Wildlife Express at the Harambe Train Station found on the outskirts of Africa. 


This train is a little different; the seats face what you would otherwise call the side of the train.  As we take this 7 minute journey, we will see the overnight animal housing for Kilimanjaro Safaris. 




As our train pulls into our destination and we disembark, we must stay alert and pay attention not miss the lessons along the trail of Habitat Habit.  This trail is properly named as we should all make it a HABIT to preserve and conserve our HABITAT for the good of the animals and ourselves.  Along the way we will also be introduced to the Cotton Top Tamarans, who are an endangered species.  Before you reach the end of Habitat Habit the kids have a fun challenge of their own, to help spot different species in a backyard setting- teaching them how to make their own backyard a great home for these creatures.







 On to Conservation Station!


 Conservation Station is an inside view of how Disney takes care of its animals.  There is a lot to see in this building so let’s not rush through; it isn’t everyday that we get to see the awesome sights and inside workings of some of these stations.

 Walking into Conservation Station we are greeted by larger than life animal murals along the walls, it takes my breath away each time I see it.


Rounding the corner we enter into a large room featuring many educational areas.  In the center is Animal Encounters.  Here a cast member will accompany an animal that we may or may not be able to touch, depending on the species or its temperament.  The Cast Member is there to inform us about the animal and answer any questions we may have.  In the past when I have visited, I seen a komodo dragon, a very long snake, and a great big opossum. 



 Tucked in a corner of the large room is Song of the Rainforest.  Let’s open the door and head in, we can take our whole group with us.  There are headphones and a comfortable bench to rest on.  Here we can listen to the sounds of the rainforest and if we close our eyes we just might forget where we are and really feel as if we are in a rainforest.


 In front of this area we will have a chance to meet with one of the following characters, Pocahontas, Jiminy Cricket, or Rafiki and his pals.  Don’t forget your autograph book!


 On the far side of the room we can check out animal feces at the Wildlife Tracking Center.  Here they test the animal’s feces, which can provide them with great information such as their health or even if they are going to have babies!  The coolest thing of all, we get to hold elephant poop!  Don’t worry it has been sealed with a special coating so we won’t get dirty, stinky hands.


 If we visit the Conservation Station in the morning hours, we just may see an animal being treated in the Veterinarian Treatment Room.  This is a Cotton Topped Tamaran, he is just having his routine check up.



 Moving down the line we come to the Animal Nutrition Room.  Here is where the food is prepared and we have an inside view of what different animals are fed.


 On the end we will see reptiles and amphibians; not my most favorite part of Conservation Station.  Snakes are not my favorite thing to look at, so I usually move rather quickly past this area. 


 Want to pet some animals?  Let’s go out that back door to Affection Section. Here we will see a variety of animals; this may change depending on the time of your visit.  Animals that need special help or attention are sent to Animal Kingdom and we can meet some of them at Conservation Station and Affection Section.  The goats here are always looking to have their hair brushed, there are baskets of brushes to help them stay tangle free.




 Want to help Animal Kingdom keep up the amazing job of education, conservation, and research?  You can!  You can donate a $1.00 or more and receive one of these great pins.  Just ask a cast member about them if you do not see them displayed.


 Well, it’s time to take the train back to Harambe Train Station – a little fun fact?  It only takes 5 minutes on the way back opposed to the 7 minutes on the way there.

 I hope you enjoyed our time together at Rafikis Planet Watch and I sure hope you come back and visit again because you never know what you will find!



  1. Mike @My Dreams of Disney says:

    Great post, Maureen! How funny that you and I posted about Rafiki’s Planet Watch just a few days apart! Your post was great, unfortunately I don’t have as many pictures to go into as much detail about the pavilion as you did. Thanks, and make it a great Disney Day!


    • twomomsadmin says:

      Hi Mike 🙂 I started writing mine about the time you posted.. and thought the same thing when I read your article 😀 It takes me a couple days to write.. I get interrupted an awful lot :/
      I was so happy to read your article because there are not many people that appreciate that area 🙂 Thanks for reading!… I think you and I like a lot of the same Disney things.. cause I love all your posts! 😀

  2. Heidi says:

    What a thorough post about Rafiki’s Planet Watch. We enjoy this section of the park and I think the train ride is fun and relaxing. There is so much educational value back there! Do you know that mural when you enter is FILLED with Hidden Mickey’s?

    • twomomsadmin says:

      I did not know that Heidi! Ya never stop learning about something new within Disney World! Thanks for stopping by and reading! 😀

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