Quick Tip Tuesday ~ Cast Member Autographs

How many times has a Disney Cast Member created a special moment and memory for you during your Magical Disney vacation.  It may not have been a direct interaction with them, maybe something you had seen from afar.  Disney Magic is created in so many ways ~ attractions, characters, music, smells, the list goes on, but also that magic is created by the Cast Members.


In the book faith and the Magic Kingdom , the author Randy Crane tells us something special he and his wife do when visiting a Disney park.


“My wife and I always thank Cast Members for doing their jobs, whether it’s directing us to a line, giving us our food, or helping us onto or off a ride.  It’s why I created the Stories of the Magic podcast in 2012. One step we have taken to really show our appreciation, though, is by cementing our experience through autograph books. …… We carry it with us to the Disney parks as often as we can, and if a Cast Member does something that creates a magical moment for us or exemplifies what Walt wanted his people to be, we ask then to sign our autograph book.”


I love this idea! Not only is this showing gratitude to a Disney Cast Member but also making their day very special. Asking for their autograph will allow those moments to be locked into your memory for a life time.

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What are your thoughts about Cast Member autographs?

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  1. Brian Grogan says:

    This is a super idea, especially at Epcot. It’s not just the characters, but the overall generosity of these people who go that extra mile to make your day special. I should know, because I did that exact thing at Epcot, and they were happy to oblige that request. I still have them, and I will always cherish them.

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