Just Breath~
It’s only Tuesday, you say to yourself as you slump down into your desk chair and seriously consider grabbing your 3rd cup of coffee. Your lower back hurts, you can feel the knots lining your shoulder blades and tension has a tight grip on your neck and shoulders.
Let’s take a five minute break and bring you back to life so you can finish the day with a smile and some extra energy for your evening.
Close your office door, if you have one. Push your “Do Not Disturb” button on your desk phone. And turn off the notifications on your cell phone.
Put your earbuds/ headphones/ AirPods in and click the link 
First, Push your chair away from your desk. Rest your hands on your lap. Sit up tall.
Step 1- Slowly inhale in through your nose and allow your breath to go straight down into your belly. Let your belly expand out like a balloon; don’t worry- no one is watching. 
Step 2- Slowly exhale your breath out of your mouth completely, allowing your belly button to sink in toward your spine. As your breath is leaving your body, allow your shoulders to melt down away from your ears.
Step 3- Slowly inhale again bringing your breath right down into the belly and then allow it to fill your ribcage, feel your ribcage expand.
Step 4- Slowly exhale focusing on the breath first leaving your belly as it deflates, then your ribcage as your ribs move back together. Allow your chin to gently drop toward your chest for a count of 5,4,3,2,1.
Step5- One more time, Slowly inhale, filling the belly, then the ribcage, and lastly the last bit of breath filling your upper chest as you feel your heart rise up.
Step 6- Finally, Slowly exhale from your belly feeling your belly button move inward toward your spine, then your ribcage as they knit back together and lastly from your upper chest as your heart rests back into your chest.
Now with one big inhale raise your arms up over your head. Reach your hands up as high as you can… wiggle your fingers. Then as you exhale, wiggle your fingers as you rain them back down to your lap. Slowly turn the corners of your mouth upward 
I hope this has helped take some of the work day stress away and gives you a little boost.
Sending you love&light~
Maureen- Yoga&You