Ten Items I Must Have in My Disney Park Bag

Over the years my “must have” items in my park bag has significantly changed.  I have gone from, nearly nothing in my 20’s to over packing and over planning as a new mommy in my 30’s.  Now in my 40’s, I think I have it condensed down to the most important and useful – must have items.

 Before I get to the items, let’s talk about the bag itself.  I have gone through many styles before settling on one that seems the most comfortable and practical.

I started out with a backpack moving into a tote, then shoulder bag, onto a cross body. 

park bag

The winner is the backpack!  It is the most comfortable and distributes weight more evenly… so onto the items in the bag!

Ten Must Have Items

  • Sunglasses- Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall these are a must have.  Coming out of a dark attraction into the bright Florida sun can be blinding, you’re liable to walk right into an oncoming parade without even knowing it!


  • Smartphone- Lets face it; it’s hard to live without this device.  Checking wait times for an attraction on the opposite side of the park is much easier with the flick of your finger, than taking a 10-15 minute walk to check it out… BIG time saver 😉

smart phone

  • Camera- Though I can use my Smartphone for pictures, my camera can take many shots my phone can’t handle, memories are beyond precious to capture!
  • Hand Sanitizer – A MUST!  In my “later” years I have become a bit of a germaphobe – carrying this eases my mind and I find anyone vacationing with me is happy to use it as well.


  • Hand wipes- when traveling with a child there is always a need for a hand wipe.  Getting to a bathroom for soap and water is not always an option – so a hand wipe and some sanitizer does the trick!
  • Clorox Wipes- my germaphobe side being exposed again.  When I sit down to eat I like a clean table, so I like to give it a good wipe down, (please don’t judge me too harshly –haha).
  • Poncho – You never know when there can be a Disney down pour – much easier to throw a poncho on and keep moving.  Umbrellas weigh your bag down and when opened make it hard to maneuver through the crowds.

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  • Sun Block- We always apply before leaving the room – but there have been times when a second application is needed, no one wants sun burn on their vacation!
  • Bottle of water- I like to grab a couple to bring to the park.  In the hot sun keeping hydrated is a must, especially with little ones.  We use snack credits for additional bottles if needed.  If you want to get savvy, ask a cast member at a Quick Service for a cup of ice (free of charge) and TaDa… ice water 😉
  • MOUSE EARS!  Never leave “home” without them!  You always want to look your very best in case you run into Mickey!



 There you have it, the ten items I must carry in my Disney park bag.  Of course there are things that sneak in there, like my daughter’s autograph book and pen, stickers from cast members, etc.  But these items I never leave “home” without!

 What are your MUST CARRY items in your Disney park bag?


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