From Head to Toe ~ Dressing with Disney Pride in Comfort

Welcome to this month’s Magical Blogorail Green loop. Today we are sharing ideas on what to wear at the Disney Parks.

Showing your disneyside when visiting Disney parks is a right of passage for all true Disney fans and is part of the great fun of every Disney lover alike.

What you wear can be a simple nod to Disney or full on Disney flair, but hours of walking in the sun or the rain can leave one a little tuckered and cranky so the more comfortable you can be the better off you’ll make it for yourself and all that are joining you!

Let’s start from the head and work our way down to the toes –

Ear ~ Ears ~ Ears – Don’t Leave Home without Them-

Whether it’s your 1st visit or your umpteenth, wearing a pair of mouse ears is an important part of one’s park attire. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and styles – and if mouse ears don’t fit the bill, you can rock it out with a Goofy, Donald or Buzz hat – choose your favorite Disney character. Maybe just a simple princess tiara reflects your perfect disneyside.

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If hats are not really your thing, there is an array of hair clips, elastics, and bows that will help to express your Disney pride. Check out this article from Kim and Carrie, ‘Disney Hair Accessories for Girls and Women’.

Protect those eyes in style- DisStyle-

Sunny or Cloudy it’s bright out there! Let Mickey help you protect your eyes with a pair blinged out with Mickey Heads – how much fun! Get in the spirit!


Tops to Talk about-

Picking out the best shirt to express your inner Disney can sometimes be a difficult task. I have found a great selection of tank tops and tee shirts at Walmart, Target, Hot Topic and my favorite place to shop, the disneystore online. It is important to keep in mind the season you are in because a rain poncho or jacket may be in order. No matter what the weather ALWAYS remember to apply sunscreen and pack it in your bag to reapply throughout the day.

Flying with Mickey



Shorts – Skirts – Dresses, Oh My! –

Comfort is key, just as important as rockin out that Disney Pride, so grab what suits you best. It could be a cool cotton summer dress, a flowy skirt or a pair of shorts that you can wear all day long. Remember many attractions you have to step down into and then step up out of, so nothing too short or confining is best. Also it is important to consider some attractions may have water features and YOU MAY GET WET!

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Happy Feet Make a much Happier You-

Choosing what to wear on your feet when visiting a Disney park is definitely different than choosing what to wear on your feet when going to the mall or the local playground at home. You will be “on your toes” all day! Support is key and just a simple pair of flip flops probably is not the best choice. Choose a shoe, sneaker, sandal, or summer shoe that is supportive to your foot. Feet can get hot and swollen or blistery and Happy Feet Make a Much Happier You!

 It’s not only what’s in the Bag that Counts –

There undoubtedly will be must have items that you will want to bring to the park and depending on how many of them you have will depend on the type of bag you will want to carry. Choose a bag that is light weight and a style that can be worn most comfortably for an extended period of time. Think about using a bag that has sections that you can organize your items and is easy to get in and out of.  My favorite bag to use for the parks is LeSport which come in many different Disney collections and patterns; Nicole’s favorite bag is from the Vera Bradley Disney Collection. If your favorite park bag isn’t one from a Disney Collection, bling it out with a polka dotted scarf or Disney buttons from a previous trip or maybe your favorite Disney pins.



Dressing for Disney Parks takes some thought to make sure you are cool and comfortable throughout the day but it’s tons of fun and part of what makes my visits there so much fun! Show that disneyside and disneypride!

Here is the map of our Magical Blogorail Green | What to Wear at Disney Loop:

Where to Stay ~ Animal Kingdom Lodge – Jambo House

There is something very magical about Disney resorts. When I plan my Disney vacation a huge part of the excitement lies within the Disney resort I am residing in. It becomes my home away from home and I can’t wait to get back to it at the end of a long park day. Each one has a special theme that brings you to a whole other country or maybe just across the states to visit a place you always dreamed of. Exploration is key while staying in a Disney resort, there is much to see and do without even leaving!

I have had the absolute pleasure of calling some of these resorts home over the years and it has become very difficult to say which one is my favorite.

Today I want to share some photographs from my stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, Jambo House ~

















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What Disney resorts have you called your Home away from Home and do you have a favorite?

“Why We Need a Blowdown” with ~ Faith in the Magic Kingdom

Today with Faith and the Magic Kingdom by Randy Crane, I am reading about, ‘Why We Need a Blowdown’ ~ and I couldn’t agree more!

blow down

**photo credit to


*photo credit www.startedbyamouse

In this segment the author Randy compares the blowdown of a #Disneyland train to the importance of a blowdown for us as people. What is a blowdown? Sludge from the sediment of minerals in the water used to fill and refill the steam train engine, along with other chemicals that build up inside the boiler of the train, can create an explosion if a blowdown is not down regularly throughout the day. When the train operator is doing a blowdown you will see a large amount of white steam coming from the trains engine along with a loud hissing noise – the train is blowingdown .. and out all the sediment, getting rid of the built up impurities.

Randy describes how we need a ‘blowdown’ as well – he says, “Think about the pressure in our lives. We are always under pressure. From work. From home. From friends. From other organizations we may be a part of. Even from ourselves. When that happens, we may want to just push through and keep going. We don’t have time to stop and do anything else.”

BUT- as the daily pressures of life build within us, so does the “sediment in our hearts”. If we don’t “blowdown” we can become, “passive-aggressive, resentful –  avoid church and other believers…… risk an explosion!”

How do we prevent this and use this blowdown method? By taking some time away from these stresses. Randy tells us that, “Scripture repeatedly reminds us of the dangers of not taking time to “blow down” the boiler of our hearts and clean out the sediment.” He quotes, Hebrews 10:25, which tells us the importance of continually meeting with other Christians. This gives us encouragement, strength, and help with the littlest and the biggest pressures in life. He also uses the example of Jesus taking the apostles to a quiet place away from everyone for a much needed rest in Mark 6:31-32. We may not be able to run off to our happy place of rest, #WaltDisneyWorld or Disneyland every time we need to “blow down”, but maybe a quiet hour in the morning before everyone awakes, or a walk around the neighborhood or even meeting with a friend for a cup of coffee and a bit of laughter. Take that time to “blow down” the “impurities” that build up daily from day to day living. Set aside some quiet moments with our Lord and ask him to help “blow down” and blow out all the sediment settling in your heart ~  Psalm 23:3 “He restores my soul”  ~ Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

First Stop! runDisney Health and Fitness Expo ~ and more Jeff Galloway Tips

I have so much to share from my 2015 Princess Marathon Weekend. It was more than four princesses running three races. It became a time of enlightenment, new beginnings, many firsts, and new friendships.


In the upcoming articles I will talk about my journey as well as the journey of my fellow princess teammates. Our love and joy for not only runDisney, tiaras, and tutus but for new seasons in life, new achievements and new goals we made after this amazing and successful trip.


The anticipated runDisney weekend quickly became captioned, “Our Race-cation” and would be the primary focus for the coming months ahead. I was clueless to what awaited me, the phrase “Girl Power comes to mind but does not quite encompass the sentiment wholly.

Fast forward from July 2014 registration to February 2015 – I left for this anticipated weekend at 5am on a frigid New York morning with excitement, a little nervousness, and a luminous spirit.

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Packed in one suitcase were the usual essentials for a Disney vacation, but in my carry on were things I have never brought to Disney or anywhere for that matter. A huge red tutu, a hairband embellished with little birds, Jaq – Cinderella’s mouse friend, and a pair of running sneakers that have become a significant part of my life.

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Nicole and two of her friends that I had never met were meeting me at the Orlando airport. As I walked off the plane and made my way to baggage claim, I felt as if I should pinch myself. I was really here, in my beloved Florida, going to my Happy Place – Walt Disney World, meeting my dearest friend for a runDisney event. Life has certainly changed since last July when I stepped out of my door for my very first run –  a new season of life for me.

With luggage in hand I headed for the passenger pick-up area. The doors opened and I stepped out into the lovely warm Florida sunshine – WAIT! Where was the warm Florida sunshine? Nicole warned me about it being chilly, but come on, I’m a New Yorker! I know what cold is, I have been living in it for the last five months. Sadly she was right, it was chilly and my jacket remained on for much of the race-cation. Little did I realize I would have a frozen tutu the next morning.

My teammates arrived and there was no guessing where this vehicle was heading! It was decorated with phrases that I had become accustomed to reading on social media for months.  The girls jumped out and greeted me with hugs (I tear up now as I remember our initial greeting). Nicole introduced me to her best friend Julia and Julia’s sister Christy and from that moment on any lingering nerves I had …. disappeared. Off to the Expo!

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I could not wait to get to the Expo! I remember seeing Nicole’s photos from her first Expo experience and I was pumped! Here is where I would receive my 5K and 10K race bibs and see my new favorite vendors and run wear. We parked the car and jumped out to get prepared. This was our runDisney Princess Weekend so we must all dress accordingly. Nicole had made us matching T-shirts and surprised us with embroidered draw string bags. Last but not least, on went the tiaras.



This was actually my first visit to ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex and this may sound funny, but I was a bit starry eyed as we approached the WWOS globe. The red carpet was rolled out to “welcome all who have come to this happy place” and helped to make our tiaras sit just a bit taller atop our heads.

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As we approached the Expo doors at the Jostens Center, I was tickled princess pink to be greeted by Cinderella’s very own footmen, might there be a pumpkin carriage just ahead?


WOW it was a runDisney dream! There was so much to take in for a newcomer like me; I was so glad to have Nicole leading the way. The energy was electric and I felt an immediate pull drawing me down those stairs and into the mix.

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We made a beeline toward the back because Nicole and Julia were running the half marathon and were in search of particular items. We moseyed around the expo checking out what was new, what was cool, and what we thought we couldn’t live without. I even got a glimpse of Jeff Galloway! I was too shy to take a picture with him, but next time I won’t pass up that opportunity!




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My purchases of the day were a green sparkle skirt from Sparkle Athletics, some really cute sneaker charms from BeeCause Charms, and a buddy pouch from Running Buddy.

It was time to get those running bibs! Packet pick up was held in the HP Field House, so we crossed over the walkway……. to finally become official. Each small step starting with registration day to actually running this race felt as if they were milestones, and picking up my runDisney race packet was no exception. We found our appropriate booth by alphabetic order of last name and signed away.



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Along with our race bibs we were handed a clear drawstring bag that would hold the contents of a race shirt, 2 Luna Bars, a 2015 Princess ½ Marathon guide and any purchased merchandise along the way. This bag was for Gear Check at the race if any additional items were to be brought in.



After Nicole and Julia received their half marathon packets they were instructed to get their photos taken so there would not be an issue of mistaken/stolen identity with their half marathon bib# and it’s owner.

Hunger and fatigue was beginning to settle in from the early morning wake-up and all the days excitement. We all decided it was time to end our expo excursion, but not before capturing a few more photos!



I loved the expo! It was vibrant, not just in color but in energy. It was filled with ladies (and some gentlemen) of all ages, and all stages of their run journeys . As I passed  fellow runDisney princesses, I wondered if this was their first or fifth Princess Marathon Weekend, how long they’ve been running and why they continued on their journey. Yes, journey – best described in a quote I recently read,

“So often we can get caught up in the rankings, times, personal bests, and competitions that we forget about the true joy and life changing experiences that our sport provides. Running is about a journey, a journey that engages an entire community and culture, yet inwardly transforms the mind, spirit, and body.”  found on


It was time to move on and check into our resort …….. which one you ask? Port Orleans Riverside, the Princess Room of course! We were on our way to our next royal experience!


Do you have dreams of entering in a runDisney event but are afraid running will injure your body? Everyone can experience the awesome thrill of this sport with Jeff’s principles and methods. Read below and start your run journey today!

Most injuries experienced by my runners are due to:

1) pacing long runs too fast,

2) increasing the weekly mileage too quickly,

3)lengthening stride and

4) stretching.

The principle in staying injury free is to balance gentle stress with the right recovery periods-allowing for rebuilding. (for more information, see my book RUNNING INJURIES)

Finding the right Run Walk Run strategy from the beginning of a run has been the best way I’ve found to stay injury free, come back from an injury and in some cases, continue to run while the injury heals. (See my book RUN WALK RUN)

As long as you stay below the threshold of irritation you can often continue to run while the injury heals.

  • Are you concerned that running will damage joints, and other body parts ? I was told this regularly, from my first week of running over 50 years ago but the research shows the opposite result: Runners have healthier joints, etc. than non runners as the decades go by.
  • While researching for my book RUNNING UNTIL YOU’RE 100, I reviewed dozens of studies and could not find one showing that running harms legs, feet, joints, etc.It may surprise you to know that many studies show that runners have fewer orthopedic issues compared with non-runners as the years go by.
  • It may surprise you to know that many studies show that runners have fewer orthopedic issues compared with non-runners as the years go by.
  • A respected and large population study out of Stanford following thousands of runners over 50 who had run for more than 20 years concluded that runners had less than 25% of orthopedic issues compared with non runners of the same age.



Top Five Disney Desserts I Would Love on my Thanksgiving Table! ~ and their recipes

After the turkey has been carved and consumed and the sweet potatoes are no more, most people will excuse themselves from the Thanksgiving table for a long winter’s nap. Not my family, out roll the desserts.  Today while doing a little Disney dreaming I began to visualize all my favorite desserts adorning the Thanksgiving Table, a girl can certainly dream. Below I have compiled a list of five Disney desserts I would love to see on my Thanksgiving table!


Bread Pudding

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Pineapple bread pudding topped with ice cream and covered in caramel sauce.

‘Ohana Bread Pudding Recipe

Tony’s Town Square


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Espresso-soaked Lady Fingers, Whipped Mascarpone, and Dark Chocolate Shavings.

Just like Tony’s Tiramisu

Raglan Road

Ger’s Bread and Butter Pudding

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Bread and Butter Pudding with Butterscotch and Custard Sauces.

Ger’s Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe

Writer’s Stop

Carrot Cake Cookie

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Moist Carrot Cake discs sandwiching  cream cheese frosting.

Writer’s Stop Carrot Cake Cookie Recipe

Liberty Tree Tavern

Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake

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Not really a cake per-say, it’s a “crispy-on-the-outside, gooey-on-the-inside toffee chocolate chip cookie-ish sort of thing.”-

Liberty Tree Tavern’s Ooey Gooey  Toffee Cake Recipe

There it is folks, the five desserts I would love to find on my Thanksgiving table today.  How about you? How many of these have you tried and would love to have a serving of today?!



Quick Tip Tuesday ~ A Must Have!

Recently Nicole and her family paid Epcot a visit and of course they had to take a walk around World Showcase for a peek at the Food and Wine Festival. Upon their visit they discovered this handy invention.

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A miniature tray with a cup holder and just enough room for a snack. How ingenious, not just for Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival but for at home as well! What a great item to travel with in the car on long trips or for a picnic!  You could even use these while at any park within Walt Disney World. I just love these miniature trays.  They can be purchased at Epcot for $5.oo each- a great souvenir that you can use over and over. 🙂


Just Another Disney Day

Nicole and her family have the opportunity to visit Walt Disney World quite often; they are just a short drive from the Magic. They went ahead and took that drive this weekend and sent us lots of pictures so we could share in the Magic with them! Thank you Nicole!

There is no mistaken fall has arrived at the Magic Kingdom.  Greeting them at the entrance were wreaths of happy Mickey Head Jack-O’-Lanterns and peeking down from Main Street USA roof tops were an abundance of carved gourds who seemed to be engaged in creepy conversations.

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It is on rare occasion the Double Decker buses grace the Magic Kingdom streets; what a spectacular photo taken by Nicole’s husband!


First order of business was the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train! On this particular visit they did not schedule fast passes; holding their breath they made this their first stop. A 30 minute wait – not bad, this also gave them a chance to check out the interactive que 🙂

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A quick stop for one princess to say hi to another 🙂 Princess Bella, meet Princess Tiana ~


Now……. onto Epcot for the Food and Wine Festival!


On their way to the World Showcase festivities they stopped into Club Cool so Nicole could introduce Jordan to a new beverage, can you guess which one it was?


A great budgeting tip and one of convenience too, is to purchase one of these gift cards on a coiled stretch bracelet. What a great way to enjoy snacking around the world without over spending and maybe over eating as well!

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Speaking of convenience, check out these little plastic trays that are perfect for holding your food and beverage $5.oo each – brilliant! They are available at several locations around the park and if you are a Chase Visa card owner you can also find them in the Chase Lounge.

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Nicole enjoyed  a sampling of Bacon Hash from Farm Fresh paired with a cup of Riesling, by the big smiles and big bites I think she enjoyed it!

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Let’s talk about this beautiful culinary creation!

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Yes, it’s a Dole Whip – BUT this one has an added ZING! that packs a punch. This Dole Whip can not be shared with your kiddies! But what you can offer the pint size tots is a Cronut found at the same location as this Adult Dole Whip.  A Cronut is a combination of a Croissant and a Doughnut, another brilliant invention!


Nicole’s husband, Santi paid a visit to the Craft Beer Kiosk.  His choices were Sierra Nevada, Kellerweis® and Punkin Ale by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery @ $4.50 a cup. Beer Fights were available for $12 per flight which included four different types of brew in smaller sized cups.

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Before they ended their delicious day at Epcot’s World Showcase they took their final ride on Malestrom.  Stand-by was a 50 minute wait ( I think many were saying their final good byes to this Norwegian boat adventure), but this family had their fast passes pre- scheduled making their wait 10 to 15 minutes.  Farvel Malestrom ~


Farvel to Malestrom, but Aloha to the new entrance at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort!

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Well that’s a wrap on this Magical update.  Let us know what your favorite food and beverages are at Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival and what you think of the new Polynesian Village Resort entrance!

Farvel and Aloha,










Fashion, Food and Fun with a Disney Twist!

Hey there folks! Friday is here and its time to view some FASHION, FOOD, and FUN with a Disney twist!

The Vera Bradley Disney Collection 2014, has welcomed a new pattern into their family and goes on sale today at the Co Op store in Downtown Disney. This print features Mickey and Minnie amongst shades of Blue flowers and leaves – a really pretty Spring time print.

What do you think of this Vera Bradley new edition?

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When booking a Disney trip scheduling Fast Passes are at the top of the list ********ALSO at the top of the list is WHERE and WHAT TO EAT! When on a magical vacation, eating whatever one wants is part of the fun. That’s why this picture (from Disney Day by Day) represents a meal I would love to eat. Here we have Mac and Cheese (my favorite place to eat this is Sunshine Seasons), french fries and a chocolate chip cookie- A lot of carbs? Sure but it’s vacation!

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Friday Night Cocktails in Disney! I wish we could all just click our heals while saying, “There’s No Place Like Home.” and it would transport us all to our “home away from home”. Since this is not possible this day in age, the next best thing is to dream.

Tonight’s cocktail is courtesy of the 2013 Food and Wine Festival. It was presented by the Poland Marketplace – Frozen Szarlotka Cocktail with Apple Cider and Polish Bison Grass Vodka – Isn’t it so pretty? Cheers!

Friday Night Cocktails in Disney! I wish we could all just click our heals while saying, “There’s No Place Like Home.” and it would transport us all to our “home away from home”. Since this is not possible this day in age, the next best thing is to dream.

Tonight’s cocktail is courtesy of the 2013 Food and Wine Festival. It was presented by the Poland Marketplace – Frozen Szarlotka Cocktail with Apple Cider and Polish Bison Grass Vodka – Isn’t it so pretty? Cheers!

Disney-Drink-Me Friday Cocktail




Quick Tip Tuesday ~ YoHo YoHo A Pirates Life for ME!

Do you have a little Scallywag or maybe a Pirate Princess?

Pirate League

Well to make this official take them over to the Pirates League, located next to the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction in the Magic Kingdom.  You’re little Swashbuckler will choose their own pirate name and be sworn in as an official Seadog!

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For more information see the official site for The Pirates League ~

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Quick Tip Tuesday ~ Where the Magic lies in the Magic Kingdom

Visiting the Magic Kingdom is innately a Magical experience and there is no doubt you will return home with an abundance of Disney memories that will last a lifetime. But to truly take in all that this Kingdom has to offer,  you must slow your pace and listen.  For what you ask?  For the sounds that are hinting to where the Magic lie.

Listen for the Walt Disney World Railroad steam whistle; it blows a welcome that says, “come experience what life has to offer.”  The sounds of the horse hooves as they clip clop down Main Street tell you to slow down and enjoy the sites.  The hypnotizing beat of the tiki drums lure you deeper into Adventurland.


The twang of the banjo and the unhurried whine of the fiddle will set your pace through Frontierland.  The steam whistle of the Liberty Square River Boat calls you down to the Rivers of America.


Prince Charming’s Regal Carrousel plays to a tune that will no doubt make you feel a little more lighthearted and the sounds of Astro Orbiter blasting off into space prepare you for futuristic journeys.

Upon your next visit to the Happiest Place on Earth ~ slow down and listen for the magic.


~ Maureen