Hoopin and Hollerin at Fort Wilderness! Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue

Like everything else Disney does so well, their dinner shows are no exception.  I have had the pleasure of being a quest at Pioneer Hall, (located in Fort Wilderness) to experience the one and only, Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue.  It promises to be a rootin –tootin, knee slappin good time and it definitely delivers!

 To reach Pioneer Hall you much get to Fort Wilderness Campground parking lot by car or bus.  Once there, another Disney bus will transport you through the campground area right to your dining destination. 


 As you disembark from the bus just look for the two story rustic log cabin, this is Pioneer Hall.  Once inside you will have no problem being transported back to times of cowboys and stage coaches.  The large wagon wheel chandeliers, floor to ceiling log columns, hanging bear skin rug, red checked table cloths, and at the center of it all, a vaudeville stage ready to welcome the Pioneer Hall Players.


 Upon making reservations you will have a choice of seating, category, 1, 2 or 3.  My preference is a balcony seat along the sides of the stage which is category three and is the least expensive.  From this viewpoint you can watch the entire show with out turning away from the table while dining on the hearty vittles that are served.


Before the stage coach arrives with the zany cast, you are seated at your table which is previously set with a small warm loaf of cornbread accompanied with a portion of creamy butter and a kettle of crunchy garden-fresh mixed green salad.  This salad is loaded with cucumber slices, diced carrots, red onion and cherry tomatoes with delicious Italian vinaigrette throughout.  Don’t forget to order your sangria or other choice of beverage.




 Before long you hear the stage coach arrive and like a whirlwind the noisy gang rushes through the doors, right through the center of the crowd and up to the stage and just like that the show begins!  Meet Six Bits, Dolly, Jim, Flora, Johnny and Claire. The crowd is treated to old American classics such as, My Darling Clementine and She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain along with some good ole’ slap stick comedy that is sure to evoke a chuckle or two.  Then the bounty of comfort foods abounds from the kitchen- fried chicken, bbq spare ribs, corn on the cob, baked beans, and mashed potatoes. Don’t expect service with a smile; remember you are in a back woods dining hall where table manners are not in abundance.  It is not uncommon for your kettle of ribs or friend chicken to be tossed upon the table in an almost careless manner, (but its all part of the show so let yourself chuckle as you sip on your sangria).





As you finish your dinner, the show picks up it’s pace and chosen audience members are beckoned down to the stage to act out a skit with the Pioneer Hall Players.  My husband was chosen to play the role of the Brave Indian which made for great laughs for our family and lots of Disney Magic Memories.  He was even presented with a Pioneer Hall Players Certificate for Bravery at the end of the show and a complimentary photograph of himself in Brave Action!






 As the show winds down, or shall I say up – dessert is presented in true vaudeville form as your server’s debut their Strawberry Shortcake number on stage!  Once that dessert finally made it to my table, it was gone in no time, it was THAT GOOD!


 strawberry short cake

While dessert is being served and consumed the whole audience has a chance to get in on this act; wash boards are distributed to the tables so you can play your best tune to their closing song.  If playing the wash board is not your thing, then grab your napkin and twirl it above your head!  Yee Haw!


 Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue is great fun and a fantastically delicious meal!  I have enjoyed each of the four times I have been and I will go again! 


 A little fun fact- Hoop Dee Doo Musical Revue is one of the longest, continuously running musicals in American theater history!   

~ Maureen