A New Take on a Dream Come True ~


Welcome to the next stop on Magical Blogorail Red. Today we are discussing runDisney.

To begin a journey, first you must be inspired. My rundisney journey began just that way.


As most little girls, I dreamt of becoming a Disney princess, Cinderella encouraged that inspiration at age 2. But life settled in and the realization of becoming a princess was washed away with another more realistic career choice. But that dream stayed tucked away in my heart along with Cinderella’s word’s, “If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true”


(My 1988 Junior Prom, I was channeling Cinderella)

Fast forward to the present where that dream has evolved into a new outlook ~ A runDisney Princess!


Last year my bestest Disney pal Nicole ran her first runDisney event, The Royal Family 5K 2014. As I watched for her race updates on that cold dreary New York winter day, seeds of inspiration were instilled in my innermost thoughts ~ Disney ~ Princess ~ runDisney ~ runDisney Princess!

When Nicole crossed that finish line she knew right then and there this would not be a one-time event for her; runDisney inspired her to become very focused on her training. She later went on to run 5 other races, 3 of which were runDisney events.

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(Royal Family 5K 2014)                                              (Everest Challenge 2014 )


(Tower of Terror 10 Miler)

Inspirited by her accomplishments, achieved goals, my insane love of Disney, Mickey and of course, the chance to become a PRINCESS, I too decided to become a runDisney princess! I set out to train for the 2015 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend, (minus the half marathon). My focus would be the Disney Princess 5K and the Disney Enchanted 10K.


Having an opportunity to run through a Disney park dressed as a princess alongside my best pal was the initial fuel to motivate me to suit up and run in the mornings. But as I set personal goals and pushed myself to achieve them I began to run for other reasons as well. Pushing myself through limitations I unknowingly set became intoxicating. Along the way I entered a few local races for some experience, adorning my Mickey ears at each one, proudly representing my Disneyside.

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But it was not until my first local race that I had the chance to feel the exhilaration of crossing a Finish Line. Pushing myself “to Infinity and Beyond!” helped me to realize how strong a person I really was, physically and mentally, it renewed my sense of confidence and zeal in life.


We can pass that inspiration ~

That first race I ran, Rebekah watched me cross the finish line; I believe she gained much more than the inspiration to run. She has watched me challenge and push myself and succeed in my runDisney goals. It has shown her that when you put your mind to something, you can achieve it.

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She asked to sign up for a program called Girls on the Run, which taught them much more than how to train for a 5K; they learned the importance of being joyful, healthy and confident. The program concluded with a 5K and I got to cross another finish line, this time with my Rebekah. She was so proud of herself and of course – so was I!

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Nicole passed along a little inspiration as well. She and Jordan entered a local Turkey trot race.



All these accomplishments were inspired by runDisney~

I believe runDisney has given people hope. Hope that they can weather a storm, persevere through life’s challenges, and make a positive change for a happier ending to their story.  After all that is what Disney represents, hope. Hope for triumphs in life no matter what the circumstances. Turning an “I can’t” into “I can”, and challenges into victories.


My coronation day is coming soon, February 20th-21st are my race dates for the 2015 Princess Half Marathon Weekend. My love for Disney, Mickey and a deep desire to become a Princess has carried me through to this point. Inspiration is the key to a successful journey and runDisney has fulfilled every bit of that and I haven’t even reached the end!

Thank you for joining Magical Blogorail Red this month. We will be back in next month with all new loops and themes. Keep checking in with our blogs in between loops to keep up to date with newest posts, photos and stories. If you are looking for more Disney magic, you can make your way over to The Magical Blogorail website to see all our members and their blogs, as well as all our previous loops.




runDisney ~ Run for a Cause ~ Run for YOU!

I did it! I ran my first race! I ran for runDisney, I ran for a cause, and I ran for me!

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I started on this run-journey a few months ago after becoming inspired by my dear friend and fellow princess.  I say run-journey because that is what it has become.

I committed to the 2015 Princess Marathon Weekend by registering with my Disney sister Nicole and a couple of her close friends. Then it was time to commit to running.  This didn’t happen as quickly as clicking “register” on the computer – I allowed life to take up a lot of my time and I procrastinated just a bit. Finally I set a start date in my head and stuck to it.


I am not sure what I intended my running to become when I set out that very first morning with new sneakers on my feet and armband securely velcro-ed on my arm.  I’m not sure if I really gave it much thought at all, except that I wanted to wear a really cute tutu for the runDisney Princess race in Walt Disney World.

rundisney tutu team minnie

(Nicole at her very first runDisney Princess race)

I began my journey using Jeff Galloway’s program, but along the way I ventured off into my own program.  I began to run/walk according to how my body felt; then one morning I set out for my run and just kept running……..I completed 3 miles that day!  I was so proud of myself and I believe it was that day that I became hooked!  I was hooked on the euphoric feeling of accomplishment, hooked on the feeling of strength I didn’t know I possessed to challenge myself and not back down -pushing through the barriers of discomfort and not allowing my mind to override my successes.


I continued to build on that 3 miles, then one day when I set out running I didn’t stop until I completed 5 miles!  I completed a 5 mile run! I never intended to run for 5 ongoing miles , but once again I proved to myself the only obstacles that will ever be in my way will be the ones I create. I then decided it would be a good idea to register for a few local races to gain some race experience and maybe receive an official corral time for the Princess 10K.  I registered for a local United Way 8K race, 4.97 miles… I can do that I told myself, not allowing any doubt to creep into my thoughts.

united way

Fast forward to September 5th, 2014, the day before the race. I was giddy with anticipation and excitement as I walked into the building of the race location to pick up my race bib and package.  I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this!  This was never something I ever aspired to do, but now it was on the top of my list of important accomplishments to achieve. The lady asked for my name and then asked, “running or walking?”

I held my head high and proudly said, “running”, inside my smile was a mile wide. She handed me my race bib- #124. This number immediately became significant to me, it would be the number I would be wearing when I crossed the finish line, a finish line I never foresaw myself crossing but was now my most anticipated moment.


As the night progressed I wasn’t feeling too well.  I made sure I went to bed at a decent hour but unfortunately awoke the next morning an hour late and not feeling my optimal self.  Regardless it was race day and now it was time to see what I was really made of! I slipped my sneakers on and while tying my laces, random nervous thoughts entered my head. I quickly dismissed them, grabbed my race bib and a miniature pair of  Minnie ears – of course I had to represent my #Disneyside! My household was still fast asleep when I left but they had promised to meet me at the finish line later that morning 🙂 It took  a short drive of 10 minutes to reach my race destination and you better believe I had Nicole on speaker phone the whole way, how I wished she was with me.  I parked my car and began walking toward the starting line, MY KEYS…. I had my keys in my hand!  Where was I going to put them? This was a total rookie mistake; I hiked it back to the car and hid them behind my front tire, note to self……. find a better place for my keys during the next race. I was once again on my way back to the starting line, with a detour….. well three detours….. to the bathroom, I was nervous!

Before I knew it the loud speaker announced the race would begin in one minute……..  and they were off! Yes, I said they because I was just fast walking while trying to get my run application and music application on my phone set correctly, UGH!  Then I was off! 

I was doing it! I was running in a race. I found I didn’t mind running alone; I felt at peace and one with myself. My thoughts drifted as I ran, mostly about the ladies that surrounded me throughout the race. I wondered about their personal run journeys, why they chose to run this race and who would be waiting for them at the finish line. I silently began rooting for them, if they stopped running I was cheering them on in my mind. I no longer felt I was running this race alone. I was running with 100’s of other men and woman, each one running for a distinctive purpose.

Before I knew it I was nearing the end of the course. I picked my pace up just a bit, I had plenty of steam left from keeping a steady pace all the way through. I started to hear cheering! The finish line was right around the corner! I couldn’t help to smile, not just inside but outside as well and I couldn’t wait to see my family at the finish line!  I rounded the corner and there it was, the big red Finish Line banner…… and there was my husband and daughter. I started waving to Rebekah as I closed in and at that point I was not just running to the finish line but I was also running to her.


When I crossed the finish line Rebekah came running with the gift of a big hug, not even caring that I was just a bit damp with sweat- well a lot soaked with sweat! Another gift, a big hug from my husband topped off the day. I crossed that finish line with an 11:39 mile a minute run time.  Not too bad for a new runner, I was hoping for a better time, but I immediately focused on the success of the entire journey.

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Race United Way2

Race United Way 1

I DID IT!  I finished the 8K race! I ran for runDisney, I ran for a cause, I ran for me…… but at that moment I knew I had also run for her, my little Rebekah. She has been with me every step of this process, even the part of finding the right running shoes! She sees my determination and hard work, my trials and my triumphs. She has cheered me on every step of the way. Watching my run-journey has inspired her to begin her own run-journey.  I have registered her for Girls on the run .   This is a wonderful program that teaches girls to be joyful, healthy and confident.

Girls on the run

Thus far this run- journey has been one of the greater defining moments in my life. Not all journeys are as unexpected as this one was. But all journeys lead someplace and I have learned that it is my choice where that someplace shall be. It is my choice how to run the race, how to handle the hills I climb and how I cross the finish line.
