A Meal Fit for a Princess

When Rebekah decided she wanted to be transformed into Rapunzel at the Bibbidi Bobbity Boutique, I decided to book the appointment at Cinderella Castle in the Magic Kingdom.  At the time Rapunzel had a meet and greet in the Fairytale Garden and I thought, “What a magical moment this will be.”  We had previously been to the BBB in the World of Disney store in Downtown Disney, (you can read my review here) and this would be a new adventure and experience for both of us.  To add an additional layer of Bibbidi Bobbity Boo from the Fairy God Mother, I thought lunch in the castle would be just lovely!  cinderellas-royal-table-sign

 Our BBB appointment was at 10:20am and Cinderella’s Royal Table at 12:15pm, plenty of time for a meet and greet with Rapunzel.  I had it all planned out perfectly but of course there are always hiccups here and there.  Though our appointment was for 10:20am I venture to say we were not introduced to our FGIT (Fairy Godmother in Training) until 10:50am.  Our FGIT, Angela was very experienced with her magical wand and we were off and ready to go meet Rapunzel in no time.  The line for Rapunzel was quite long and hot and Rebekah became very hungry, I feared we would not be able to make this memory happen…. But the Tiki Gods were with us and we were able to meet the gregarious gal and make it to our princess celebration on time.


 We checked in with the maiden at the castle door and were escorted down the royal carpet to meet her Royal Highness, Cinderella.  I tried to take in all the detail of the castle foyer.  There were coat of arms displayed, full suites of armor and Cinderella’s best buds, little Jacque and Gus walking the perimeter walls of the castle way up high!

coats of arms324jac and gus


After we met our most gracious princess we walked up a red carpeted spiral staircase, I can still feel the butterflies and excitement well up in my chest just remembering the moment.  We were greeted by yet another maiden that escorted us to our royal table – We were actually in the castle about to dine with the “Thee Princesses!”,  and to top it off I was sitting with the most beautiful princess of all, my very own Rapunzel.


 Upon entering the dining hall Rebekah received a special wishing wand and wishing star which was set to create magical happenings during our meal.



 Our server greeted us and took our order; I had a baked chicken dish accompanied by mashed potatoes and Rebekah had chicken nuggets with macaroni and cheese.  The menus have changed a bit since then, to see a current menu click here…..  I was very pleased with my lunch, the chicken was tender and juicy and the mashed potatoes we creamy and seasoned well.  Rebekah did not care much for her mac & cheese so I decided to have a little taste and polished that off too.  It was very creamy and cheesy, if you have had the mac and cheese at Sunshine Seasons in Epcot’s, Land Pavilion, it is very similar.

crt menu

 As we dined we were greeted by the royal court; Aurora, Ariel, Snow White, and Belle.  Each princess stayed long enough to sign our autograph book, have a little chit chat, take a photograph and off they went.  I did not expect they would spend an allotted time with each guest.  I felt it was reasonable considering all the guests that needed to be greeted.




During our royal experience a storybook voice began to softly speak, telling us, “Now close your eyes – make a wish and repeat after me with all your might and don’t open your eyes until you say Boo!…. Bibbidi, Bobbity Boo!”  I watched Rebekah, eyes closed and wishing with her little heart with all her might.  She opened her eyes as the room glistened with shimmers of light as if the Fairy God Mother herself cast her magic wand upon the room, it was beautiful. 


 It was now time for dessert.  I indulged in Valrhona Chocolate Mousse; it was a light chocolate mousse with berries and raspberry sauce, while Rebekah had a vanilla cupcake with trimmings!  Both desserts were enjoyed to the highest degree.



choc mousee

 It was time to bid our new friends adieu, we had a wonderful time, one that will not be forgotten.  It isn’t everyday you get to dine with royalty!       

