WALT DISNEY The Triumph Of The American Imagination

Author: Neal Gabler

My second purchased Walt Disney biography and only partially read.  After completing my first Walt Disney biography, Walt Disney – An American Original and becoming so intrigued and enthusiastic, I immediately took a trip to Barnes and Noble to get another as to gain more insight and perspective.  Unfortunately I did not do my homework and read the published reviews prior to my impulse purchase.  Though there is definitely some great detailed and rare information that Neal Gabler brings to this book through his access to Disney Archives, I did not find it a smooth read.  I found myself drifting and sometimes looking for my dictionary, not always understanding his terminology.  I did not like the unwelcoming feeling I had while reading his account of my beloved “icon”.  At times I wondered why he felt the need to write this book, either from his icy indifference or un-endearing expressions.  I had read on line that Diane Disney Miller herself felt that Gabler’s book was a large misrepresentation of her father, so that as well was a bit of a turn-off to me.  Needless to say, the book is packed with some great info and I will be revisiting it.  I am very interested in looking into Michael Barrier, “An Animated Man”   as my next biography journey 🙂



Walt Disney – An American Original

Author: Bob Thomas

This was the very fist Biography I had ever purchased and read; it has lead  to a life long love for biographies in general.  Though I do not remember the year I purchased this book I do recall it was purchased in Walt Disney World, (many many years ago).  It was my first introduction to Walt and the life he led prior to the creation of the parks and characters that have inspired my life.  It showed me the intricate workings of this brilliant man’s mind.  To give a detailed review of this book at this time would be unfair since it has been 14 years upon my completion of reading it.  But I will say this, it certainly inspired me and my desire to know more about Walt Disney, encouraging my fascination with him and the magical world he created and his desire to go beyond that and create a better world for today.


bob thomas