Disney Down Pours

One thing I have learned to pack in my bag when heading to the parks is a PONCHO! It is not unlikely, depending on the time of year you visit “The World” to be caught in a down pour. Umbrellas can get in the way and are hard to maneuver through the crowds, especially when handling little ones.  I purchase my family’s ponchos at a local $ Store or at Publix, which is ALWAYS a must stop on the way to our Magical Destination.


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  1. Mary says:

    We always hit the dollar store and stock up. Luckily those cheap ones are tiny so you can always have one with you. In my case I need it for Splash Mountain (I swear that ride is out to get me).

    • twomomsadmin says:

      LOL! I did the same thing once because my daughter insisted on sitting in the front of the log … the the soaking seat!

  2. Heidi says:

    We have a collection of Disney ponchos! The kids and I went in September of 2012 and got caught in a HUGE downpour, which forced us to buy park ponchos. Then, my mom found our stash of “cheap” Disney ponchos (from Walmart) in her basement a few months ago. Needless to say, we’ve got PLENTY!

    • twomomsadmin says:

      The first time I wanted to buy a poncho I couldn’t get myself to spend the $ ( at WDW) but one trip on our way to WDW we stopped at a near by Publix which had that cute pink one with Minnie for Rebekah.. that was years ago- we still have it! I think it was $5.00… So now you are stocked! – I actually didn’t know Walmart had them – but then again what don’t they have? ;)~Maureen

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