Good morning from by the brook♡
It seems a bit since we last spoke. So much happens in such short spans of time… inwardly as well as out.
I believe I mentioned, not so long ago, the absence of deer around the brook. In times past, it has been the spring that brought forth both the ducklings and the fawn. But it is just now, in the late part of the summer that I have begun to see the white spotted, frisky yearlings grazing beneath the abundant leafy trees.
Their gentle, quiet innocence lightens my spirit, almost leaving me with a feeling of weightlessness. My eyes dance at the very sight of them and I deeply long to walk by their side as if we were kindred spirits of long past.
Often I find the fawn meandering among the frenzy of the ducks. Their lively intensity doesn’t seem to faze them one bit. How do they remain so centered, grounded standing smack in the middle of feathers flapping, poking beaks jutting in every direction, and loud demands for duck pellets and space? I myself have begun to retreat rather quickly back inside to safety. Here my eyes can reach the fawn more easily, as I look through the glass door. But what happens when I have to once again, open the door? What will be my barrier for comfort?
The safety and comfort I seek cannot be found by hiding behind the glass door or by watching the fawn from afar. It is found deep beneath intertwined layers of impressions, some true, some not… Walking through, sorting and sifting all the poking, flapping, and demanding of the past and present, to clear the sight line to the future.
The safety and comfort I seek can no longer be found within the places I once searched; it must be discovered within. It’s possible. I promise. I’m a work in progress, but also living proof.
I’m sending my love to you- my hugs of support and deep caring
If you ever, even for a moment, need someone to hold space or maybe your hand, know I am here.