Are You At Home (Part 2)

Comfortable- Cozy- Safe- Loved- Welcomed

These words opened up the previous article, Are You At Home, (link to post here We talked about feeling at home in your body by connecting your thoughts- emotions- and physically feelings.

I asked you to track this by jotting down any physical feelings throughout the day, (tightness in your jaw, lower back pain, stomach ache) then also any emotions that arose, (anxiousness, frustration, excitement.) At the end of each day comparing the physical feelings and the emotions and allowing yourself to be curious about any correlations.

What Do I Do Now?

Before we talk about the next action toward feeling at home in your body, I encourage you to continue to sense physical sensations and take note of emotional responses.

Adding to your physical and emotional tracking, begin to be aware of how you speak to your body. Watch and listen to the words you use and your tone.

Have you ever gotten into an argument or heated discussion with another member in your household? If their words and tone were not respectful or kind, how did that make you feel? In my experience, I wanted to leave the house because it became an unwelcoming space. This is a similar situation when you speak to your body in a negative way. 

“Why are you so lazy?” “How come I didn’t know that answer- I’m so stupid.” “I shouldn’t have eaten that- I have no willpower.”


“Great job- great effort!” “You look beautiful” “You are so strong to be able to handle this situation”

Words and their tone are powerful tools that you can use to create a loving environment within yourself that will help you to feel safer.

Just as you jotted down physical feelings and emotions, now also notate how you speak to yourself or speak to certain parts of your body. Again, with no judgement, just notice and take a curious approach.

I want to congratulate you on taking this journey of awareness. I also want to encourage you to stay with it. It can be a rough road, but well worth some of the bumps or bruises along the way.

Our next step will be taking a glance into the past.

Live Well,





The Rising Truth

Every morning I open the curtains to watch the sun slowly make its appearance, as it peaks through the branches of the very tall trees that line the bank of the brook. Its beams give an iridescent glow to everything in its path, nothing but beauty abounds♡ Some mornings I open the curtains and there is no warm iridescent glow, just shades of gray, shadows everywhere I look. My common sense tells me that the sun has indeed risen, but all I can see is the grayness. On those days I long… almost in anguish to be doused in iridescent beams. But I have noticed if I just breath a little deeper and look straight into the dark shadows, shards of light begin to appear. For it’s deep within the dark dreary gray shadows that you will find the truth. A truth that will rise within you, gifting you your very own eternal iridescent glow morning, noon, and night.
Sending my love,