The anticipation of Christmas gets stronger as each December day passes by. The spirit of the season inspires children to be on their best behavior and adults recapture their belief in Christmas magic. As the dawn of Christmas morning breaks and awakens the sleepy eyes of adolescents around the world, squeals of excitement will be heard as they dash out to see what Santa has left them under the tree.
As this holiday approaches and my belief in Christmas magic becomes aplenty, I begin to ponder on what I would like to find under the tree when I dash out with squeals of excitement too.
Dear Santa, Here is my Top Ten Disney Christmas wishes ~
10 ~ A pair of Mickey Mouse Pajamas. What respectable Disney Loving Gal would wear anything else for long winter’s nap? Kohls

9 ~ A Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker. This is a gift that will keep on giving, not only for me but my family as well! Kohls

8 ~ A Disney Christmas Tree Ornament is always a must, the more Mickey the merrier!

7 ~ This cute and cozy sweater will help to make my holiday more merry and also help to show off my #Disneyside !

6 ~ I have become a huge fan of Alex and Ani bracelets. A true classic princess by heart, this Cinderella bangle is a perfect fit for my wrist.

5 ~ I have coveted a Disney Dooney and Bourke pocketbook for years, but the price tag has prevented me from clicking “add to bag” while browsing on Maybe, just maybe, dear Santa will have a deep discount coupon to make this appear under my tree!

4 ~ A Mickey Mouse watch, doesn’t everyone want one?

3 ~ Price Phillip. Yes you read right, why wouldn’t I want a Disney Prince under my tree? It was a toss-up between Phillip and Eric, but again I am a classic princess type of gal, so a classic prince won out. If Santa has trouble dragging him away from Aurora I will take the doll- if I have to.

2 ~ A Magic Band loaded with a 1 week length of stay and pre-booked with Fast Passes is PERFECT! Mouse Ear Magic

1 ~ My very most wanted gift on my list is for the dreams and wishes of my heart to come true. They are dreams and wishes not only for me, but for my family and friends as well. Tis the season of giving and part of this giving is the gift of my love and prayers for those that surround me.

Merry Christmas to all, not only now but all the year through!