What I Learned this Week~


As my mind drifts throughout each day, sometimes I get fixed on something that’s not so positive or uplifting to my spirit. It may even be a thought that hasn’t had a chance to reveal itself in actuality and I am already playing the scenario out in a negative way.

This weekend I found myself doing this and I immediately thought, I need to  focus on each moment and stop worrying about the hour ahead, the next day, or even the next month.

When your mind begins to focus on events that are out of your control and you start projecting negativity, it’s time to take a deep breath and just think about the task you are doing at that moment and the rest of the day will lend the fruition of itself in a much more positive manner.

So, I did my very best to do just that, focus on each moment. By the end of the day I looked back and I was more than satisfied with its outcome. I had no expectations or worries about what may or may not be- it just was and it was a great day!

Welcome each day like a good meal”  ~Joan Erikson

Live well  xxoo


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