Grounding- Rising- Ripening- Becoming

Deliberate full breaths, inviting your mind toward stillness
Merging you with the earth beneath you
Taking you deeper into your center
Here is where you find your balance
The space where life flows
into and out from
Around it,
flowing interaction of duality
Light & Dark
the pushing & pulling
All creating movement
Encouraging change
Making space for growth
Into open space
Flowing like water
Sharing… Connecting
Where one becomes two

Deeper Toward Your Soul

Soften your thoughts…
Soften your breath…
Breathe in deep…
Moving from the mind into the body…
Feel the air on your skin…
Notice the texture of your breath…
Moving down, touching all the places that need to be touched…
Draw in from the earth…
Release back to her…
She’s there to hold you…
As you move deeper toward your soul♡