What will you focus on for 2022- Establishing Your Gaze
It was about six years ago that I began taking large colored index cards and writing particular phrases as a reminder of certain emotional wellness qualities I wanted to inhabit as well as goals or intentions that I wanted to achieve. I began to incorporate this into my morning prayer and meditation in order to establish a mindset with a more positive productive direction each day.
Fast forward to today, I still have those same big, pink, purple, and green index cards, but they have a lot more writing on them. As time moves forward, the world changes, situations change, and I change- thank goodness! Some of those cards have basic principles that apply to life no matter my age or the point in life that I am at, but other cards have been expanded upon with broader concepts.
As we begin this new year, I would like to share one of my colored index cards with you, the original concept, and the reason behind it and then the expanded version as well.
When I created these cards six years ago, the card pictured below in particular, my main focus was “I.” I was seeking safety, strength, confidence, courage, and love from within myself. As you can see this card firstly reads, (I AM.) As time moved forward, as it always does, and I began to embody these concepts, my thoughts began to broaden past, “I Am.”
About two years ago, in the beginning stages of the pandemic, I was relieved to be isolated. For me, the world felt like it was spinning way too fast and I was beginning to lose my balance. It was that quiet isolation that moved my, “I Am” to “We Are.” When I sat with my cards and read the words, “I Am”- I began to hear the words, “We Are” in my mind.
I think we can all agree that the last couple years has created a climate that has induced fear, confusion, lack of safety, an overall consensus of unknowing and separation. As I sat with the words, “”We Are”, I could feel the deep need of families, communities, states, countries- the human race to feel strength- courage- confidence- wellness- LOVE.
With eyes closed and an open heart I now sit with this green card in hand envisioning a beautiful ribbon flowing from me out into the world, touching everything and everyone-
“We Are- Strong”
“We Are- Courageous”
“We Are- Confident”
“We Are- Well, Mind & Body”
“We Are – Safe- Grounded”
“We Have- Abundance in all areas of our lives”
“We Are – LOVE”
For the new year, which will be filled with an abundance of beautiful opportunities, moments to cherish, and celebrations, but also with difficulties to overcome, I will be focusing on the WHOLE- “We Are”, for there is strength in unity. May we each bring our beautiful differences together and create a year of unity and strength and lots of LOVE. HAPPY NEW YEAR!