Where Will Your Thoughts Bring You Today?

Where will your thoughts bring you today?
What path will they travel, which road will they take?
Will you send them a guide, or allow them to stay?
What is their intention, what do they seek?
Is it that of perfection or something more dynamic that may offer peace?
Layers of experiences have brought you here today.
You have choices, invitations, and offers to choose each and every day.
Might you accept one… or will you look the other way?
There can be a newfound story; one filled with purpose and ease.
It won’t be easy; it can be scary; it may bring you to your knees.
But your body will thank you, for it’s weary with strain.
And your spirit will embrace you, as it welcomes you home again♡
Sending my love♡

Inner Compass Points Home


Good morning from… by the brook♡
Happy first day of autumn. Just like clock work, Mother Nature and the weather man must have struck some sort of bargain, the warm summer winds gave way to a crisp chill. Pale yellow leaves have found their way down, peeking through the soft, tall blades of grass. The morning’s first light has not yet awakened, it seems a tad late. Maybe the moon has not yet clocked out, allowing the sun to sleep in just a wee bit more.

Across the brook a sizeable, silent silhouette floats past the towering trees that keep watch in the dark night. Then another smaller shadow scurries by to catch up. It must be one of the sweet fawn and it’s Mama on their way to breakfast before daybreak. Within moments of their passing fleetly, flapping, feathered, figures, (say that three times fast!) haphazardly drop from the dark sky, like mystical creatures returning home from a long night’s endeavor.

The sun unhurriedly rises above the tree tops, causing shimmering drops of dew to appear as twinkling prisms between the leaves. The shadows give way to reality and curiosity replaces fear, the brook, now buzzing with life.

Back from it’s early morning meal, a sweet fawn curiously inches toward the fallen, feathered creatures, causing delicate ripples to roll inward making them bob like rubber ducks at a carnival game.

Each morning the brook calls home its dwellers, offering them a sanctuary of nourishment. It’s no wonder they accept the invitation.

I too will be traveling beyond the brook today, as I have begun a seasonal venture. For many months I have remained here exploring endeavors that illuminate my soul, but alas I must leave the quintessence of the brook, allowing my shadows to give way to reality. I am so grateful to have heard its summoning and its urging to move beyond my fears. Curiosity has encouraged me toward places I didn’t know existed. Like the dwellers of the brook, I will always accept its invitation to return, for my inner compass will always point home.

Sending my love to you all,
Maureen xo


Reveal Your Wholeness

Each morning
Your reflection echoes the demands You define Yourself with
Attached to
the Busyness,
Your sense of Wholeness caught up in a Whirlwind of Not Enough… it’s Never Enough
Your mind Turning and Twisting, Taking Your body on a roller coaster ride. Surging and Plummeting
Uneasiness brewing when Silence draws near
Behind the scenes
a small quiet voice
hiding deep within.
Needing to be seen.
Agonizing to be heard.
Looking for Your attention.
Looking to know, She matters.
She wants to feel Safe.
Safe that You will Be There when She Calls.
Take a gentle, deep breath, reach out Your hand and take her for walk.
You No Longer need to Search for Missing Parts or glue back together Broken Pieces.
Uncover and Sooth
Your Fear and Doubt
Allow the Understanding of Compassion to flow
YOU Deserve
to be Seen,
to be Heard.
You Matter♡
If this is you, I see you♡
Take the first step-
Reveal Your Wholeness and
Shine Bright♡

Seeking Safety

Good morning from by the brook♡
It seems a bit since we last spoke. So much happens in such short spans of time… inwardly as well as out.
I believe I mentioned, not so long ago, the absence of deer around the brook. In times past, it has been the spring that brought forth both the ducklings and the fawn. But it is just now, in the late part of the summer that I have begun to see the white spotted, frisky yearlings grazing beneath the abundant leafy trees.
Their gentle, quiet innocence lightens my spirit, almost leaving me with a feeling of weightlessness. My eyes dance at the very sight of them and I deeply long to walk by their side as if we were kindred spirits of long past.
Often I find the fawn meandering among the frenzy of the ducks. Their lively intensity doesn’t seem to faze them one bit. How do they remain so centered, grounded standing smack in the middle of feathers flapping, poking beaks jutting in every direction, and loud demands for duck pellets and space? I myself have begun to retreat rather quickly back inside to safety. Here my eyes can reach the fawn more easily, as I look through the glass door. But what happens when I have to once again, open the door? What will be my barrier for comfort?
The safety and comfort I seek cannot be found by hiding behind the glass door or by watching the fawn from afar. It is found deep beneath intertwined layers of impressions, some true, some not… Walking through, sorting and sifting all the poking, flapping, and demanding of the past and present, to clear the sight line to the future.
The safety and comfort I seek can no longer be found within the places I once searched; it must be discovered within. It’s possible. I promise. I’m a work in progress, but also living proof.
I’m sending my love to you- my hugs of support and deep caring ❤ If you ever, even for a moment, need someone to hold space or maybe your hand, know I am here.
All my love♡

Grounding- Rising- Ripening- Becoming

Deliberate full breaths, inviting your mind toward stillness
Merging you with the earth beneath you
Taking you deeper into your center
Here is where you find your balance
The space where life flows
into and out from
Around it,
flowing interaction of duality
Light & Dark
the pushing & pulling
All creating movement
Encouraging change
Making space for growth
Into open space
Flowing like water
Sharing… Connecting
Where one becomes two