Into the Woods We Went!

This past weekend Rebekah and I took an impromptu trip to the movie theater, what did we see….. Into the Woods!


We hurried into the theater and found our seats just as the movie trailers were ending. I had no idea what to expect from this movie. I hadn’t read or heard the reviews, with one exception. Right before entering the theater Nicole informed me that her friends had walked out during the movie; oh boy what was I in for?


The movie began, I quickly realized it was a musical, I had no idea! As we began to travel into the woods with the characters, it took me a while to truly realize why “we” were going into the woods. At first I was solely focused on these strange intertwined fairytales. Each fairytale character was traveling into the woods for a particular purpose – to break a spell, to go to the Festival, to sell the cow, to Grandmother’s house, to see the King.  As the movie rolled on I realized there was a deeper meaning and an actual plot.  ‘Into the Woods’ is a metaphor for taking a journey outside of the boundaries one has set for themselves, taking chances to experience more of what life may have to offer. While the initial reason these characters took the journey into the woods was to find something that was so enticing and important to them, they learned unexpected lessons along the path of the wood and what their true desires may have been after all. The path that appeared so straight and definitive became twisted and questionable.intothewoods-bar640

The wood appears in many fairytales; it’s a place of the unknown and it’s full of mystery. The Woods are not thought to be “safe”, they have unexpected twists and turns. Stepping into the Woods could change one’s life; it’s a journey that could bring about a new ending to one’s story.  And so we see this in many of Disney’s fairytale stories, just this time these happy endings were more similar to what you and I might experience in our own lives.  In hindsight I wished I had read the movie commentary so I would have been more focused on the song lyrics. These stories told through song were in direct reflection to personal struggles many of us go through in life.

What did Rebekah think of the movie?  I was really worried that she was not enjoying the movie, but I didn’t breathe a word until we were walking out of the theater and back to the car.  She thought it was a bit strange; she was not use to seeing Disney fairytales in any other light than the animated version. But then she began to tell me how she loved that everyone was singing and she thought it was all rather funny. Her favorite characters were Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack and the Baker and his wife. She added that she would not recommend anyone under the age of eight to see the movie, well maybe a seven year old if they were mature for their age.

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 I would absolutely like to see the movie again. I am sure that I missed many details that I would enjoy witnessing the second time around.  The cast I thought were magnificent and made each roll very believable. There was some adult content but it definitely went over Rebekah’s head. I do think it is important to understand the rhythm of the movie before viewing it; it will enhance the experience and allow you to connect and identify with the characters on a deeper level.

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Quick Tip Tuesday ~ Cast Member Autographs

How many times has a Disney Cast Member created a special moment and memory for you during your Magical Disney vacation.  It may not have been a direct interaction with them, maybe something you had seen from afar.  Disney Magic is created in so many ways ~ attractions, characters, music, smells, the list goes on, but also that magic is created by the Cast Members.


In the book faith and the Magic Kingdom , the author Randy Crane tells us something special he and his wife do when visiting a Disney park.


“My wife and I always thank Cast Members for doing their jobs, whether it’s directing us to a line, giving us our food, or helping us onto or off a ride.  It’s why I created the Stories of the Magic podcast in 2012. One step we have taken to really show our appreciation, though, is by cementing our experience through autograph books. …… We carry it with us to the Disney parks as often as we can, and if a Cast Member does something that creates a magical moment for us or exemplifies what Walt wanted his people to be, we ask then to sign our autograph book.”


I love this idea! Not only is this showing gratitude to a Disney Cast Member but also making their day very special. Asking for their autograph will allow those moments to be locked into your memory for a life time.

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What are your thoughts about Cast Member autographs?

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A New Take on a Dream Come True ~


Welcome to the next stop on Magical Blogorail Red. Today we are discussing runDisney.

To begin a journey, first you must be inspired. My rundisney journey began just that way.


As most little girls, I dreamt of becoming a Disney princess, Cinderella encouraged that inspiration at age 2. But life settled in and the realization of becoming a princess was washed away with another more realistic career choice. But that dream stayed tucked away in my heart along with Cinderella’s word’s, “If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true”


(My 1988 Junior Prom, I was channeling Cinderella)

Fast forward to the present where that dream has evolved into a new outlook ~ A runDisney Princess!


Last year my bestest Disney pal Nicole ran her first runDisney event, The Royal Family 5K 2014. As I watched for her race updates on that cold dreary New York winter day, seeds of inspiration were instilled in my innermost thoughts ~ Disney ~ Princess ~ runDisney ~ runDisney Princess!

When Nicole crossed that finish line she knew right then and there this would not be a one-time event for her; runDisney inspired her to become very focused on her training. She later went on to run 5 other races, 3 of which were runDisney events.

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(Royal Family 5K 2014)                                              (Everest Challenge 2014 )


(Tower of Terror 10 Miler)

Inspirited by her accomplishments, achieved goals, my insane love of Disney, Mickey and of course, the chance to become a PRINCESS, I too decided to become a runDisney princess! I set out to train for the 2015 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend, (minus the half marathon). My focus would be the Disney Princess 5K and the Disney Enchanted 10K.


Having an opportunity to run through a Disney park dressed as a princess alongside my best pal was the initial fuel to motivate me to suit up and run in the mornings. But as I set personal goals and pushed myself to achieve them I began to run for other reasons as well. Pushing myself through limitations I unknowingly set became intoxicating. Along the way I entered a few local races for some experience, adorning my Mickey ears at each one, proudly representing my Disneyside.

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But it was not until my first local race that I had the chance to feel the exhilaration of crossing a Finish Line. Pushing myself “to Infinity and Beyond!” helped me to realize how strong a person I really was, physically and mentally, it renewed my sense of confidence and zeal in life.


We can pass that inspiration ~

That first race I ran, Rebekah watched me cross the finish line; I believe she gained much more than the inspiration to run. She has watched me challenge and push myself and succeed in my runDisney goals. It has shown her that when you put your mind to something, you can achieve it.

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She asked to sign up for a program called Girls on the Run, which taught them much more than how to train for a 5K; they learned the importance of being joyful, healthy and confident. The program concluded with a 5K and I got to cross another finish line, this time with my Rebekah. She was so proud of herself and of course – so was I!

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Nicole passed along a little inspiration as well. She and Jordan entered a local Turkey trot race.



All these accomplishments were inspired by runDisney~

I believe runDisney has given people hope. Hope that they can weather a storm, persevere through life’s challenges, and make a positive change for a happier ending to their story.  After all that is what Disney represents, hope. Hope for triumphs in life no matter what the circumstances. Turning an “I can’t” into “I can”, and challenges into victories.


My coronation day is coming soon, February 20th-21st are my race dates for the 2015 Princess Half Marathon Weekend. My love for Disney, Mickey and a deep desire to become a Princess has carried me through to this point. Inspiration is the key to a successful journey and runDisney has fulfilled every bit of that and I haven’t even reached the end!

Thank you for joining Magical Blogorail Red this month. We will be back in next month with all new loops and themes. Keep checking in with our blogs in between loops to keep up to date with newest posts, photos and stories. If you are looking for more Disney magic, you can make your way over to The Magical Blogorail website to see all our members and their blogs, as well as all our previous loops.




Quick Tip Tuesday ~ Zip It!

As we can all attest, Ziploc bags are useful for so much more than food. I wanted to share with you another use that has helped me to stay organized with my Disney memories.

When I return home from a Disney vacation I have a folder full of resort mementos from Cast Members, restaurants, shows- the list goes on. My intention was to scrapbook these memories but I haven’t taken the time to learn this craft yet.

Until I do, I keep my mementos zipped up in a Ziploc, organized by year and safe from everyday clutter.

I also keep my collector Celebration Magazine’s Zipped up – they fit perfectly and are kept free from rips and stains.

What are some unique ways you use Ziploc bags?

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Finding a Little Disney in My Christmas……

My dream is to stay in Walt Disney World during the Christmas Season; I have only seen the Magical Holiday Splendor in pictures. If I close my eyes…… I can see myself standing on Main Street USA at nightfall as the “snow” swirls around me, gorgeous greenery suspended above the streets and endless wreaths hung upon the lamp posts from the Train Station to Cinderella Castle. One day this will be my reality, but for now I search for a little Disney in each Christmas Season.

Here are a handful of places I found Disney right in my own “backyard”, here in New York state ~

Main Street USA is about 1,095 miles from Maybrook, NY


Though A Frosty Fest is just 44 miles away ~

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Instead of the Candlelight Processional


I have the Maybrook/Montgomery Girl Scout Troop

Here they are singing…..Do You Want To Build A Snowman?


I may not have the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights


BUT….. I have the Lights on Frozen Ridge Road

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Unfortunately we are not able to meet with Olaf….


However we had his family member visit us in our front yard!


I can not saunter through Epcot, World Showcase at a moments notice…..


Although, I can stroll through our local Arboretum which is full of nuances to World Showcase along with majestic gardens.

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Thank you for joining me with Finding a Little Disney in my Christmas! May we all find a little Disney in our every day lives.






Turning Goals into Resolutions~

As this year quickly came to an end, I began to feel slightly anxious about what I was going to focus on during the upcoming year. There are so many facets within my life that I would like to improve upon and enhance, where do I start?

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Traditionally a New Year’s resolution would be the starting point, but New Year’s resolutions were never something I really cared to commit to. It seems rather intimidating, announcing to the world my “promise” to make a permanent change in my life. This is not how I visualize a great start to a new year. What if those visions changed, what if they didn’t work out the way I intended, what if I just down right failed at this attempt of a permanent change? So each year as I ring in the New Year amongst family and friends I choose to start the next day just as the one before it, no resolutions.

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This year I felt the need for a more focused start but I have so many ventures tucked in the back of my head I don’t know where to start!

Focus, Simplify and Grow ~

I found these three words on Lou Mongello’s facebook page New Year’s Day. When I read these words I breathed a sigh of relief, (thank you Lou). I tend to make complex strategies in my pursuit of “life”.  I get lost in an overload of details that I create for each pursuit, causing my focus to blur.  I need to learn when to use the wide angle lens and when and how to focus on the subject to simplify the picture of each endeavor. This will enable growth not only in each venture but also in my overall character.

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Staying on Track- Resolution or Goal ~ how do I focus, simplify and grow?

Though I have never committed to a New Year’s resolution, I have committed to goals. This got me thinking about what the difference between a resolution and a goal is; I simply looked up the definitions.

Resolution A firm determination to do something, a course of action determined or decided on.

A resolution is a long term change you intend to keep, it is not something you complete, and it is permanent. Resolutions tend to be vague, such as eat healthier or exercise more.

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Goal: The object toward which an endeavor is directed; an end. Looking to achieve a result, a target to reach, an end point after a chosen period of time.

A goal can be short term or long term and is something you have a conclusion to, not necessarily a permanent change. Goals are more specific such as, choosing to run a marathon and working toward the completion of it.

The key contrast between the two is they differ in terms of duration.

Goals seem less intimidating to me. Having a start point and end point will allow me to focus, simplify and meet my objectives.   A resolution seems so wide open; I would lose direction without set time frames to complete those objectives.

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But maybe I can make a New Year’s Resolution ~using them together ~

How can I make that New Year’s resolution less intrusive? Maybe starting with a goal would help maintain a resolution, meeting each goal to work toward that life changing resolution.

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Setting goals and achieving them is empowering, making a resolution that never comes to pass would take the wind out of my sails. So if I start out with realistic goals that I can meet within reasonable time periods, I can work my way up to that life changing resolution. Who knows along the way I may find new gifts and talents I never knew I possessed!

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What are your thoughts on Goals vs. Resolutions? Tell us if you have set any for 2015!